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Zack Greinke Wants Out

18 Dec

You can count Kansas City Royals pitcher Zack Greinke among pro athletes that wants out. Greinke has fired his agent and made a trade demand.

I’m not surprised by this at all. If Royals general manager Dayton Moore didn’t see this coming, he’s as blind as Ray Charles. Now Kansas City has to trade him. I know Greinke has a contract, and management doesn’t have to do anything. But when you’ve been in a perpetual cycle of losing, the cards that you have to play equals to bluffing. It was different before Greinke said he wanted out. The Royals could’ve waited for the best package to come their way, now they can’t have a possible malcontent on board with a history of depression. As for Greinke, I can’t blame him. I’d want out too. They’re not close to winning and don’t spend enough to win. He would be far from motivated to put his best efforts on display for a team going nowhere.

Greinke has a no trade clause to 15 teams. The Yankees, Red Sox, Nationals, Blue Jays, and Brewers are on that list. I suspect the Red Sox and Yankees probably can offer the most attractive packages. If I were the Yankees I’d be worried that Greinke could go Ed Whitson on them. I do think the Texas Rangers will be the most agressive pursuer after losing Cliff Lee to the Phillies. That would be my best bet. But I didn’t see Lee going to the Phillies either. Well, neither did anyone else, so what do we know.

On a personal note, it’s pretty sad to see the Royals franchise in their current state. When I was growing up they were one of the model franchises in the league. Now they’re one of the worse run franchises. I really don’t see how the St. Louis Cardianls can find money to stay competitive but Kansas City can’t. Maybe i just don’t know much about the economics of baseball.

Royals’ Zack Greinke wins AL Cy Young

18 Nov

Even though the Kansas City Royals had a bad season,they are now home to the newest Cy Young winner,Zack Greinke. Greinke,who went 16-8 and had a major league low 2.16 ERA. Greinke compiled 25 first place votes and a total of 134,to beat out second place finisher Felix Hernandez of the Seattle Mariners and the Detroit Tigers Justin Verlander.
  It’s good to see someone rewarded for having a great season despite the way the team finishes.Greinke was Atruly deserving of the Cy Young for his near dominant performance all season.Much like Andre Dawson when he won the MVP award back in 1987 when he played for a last place Chicago Cubs team.Baseball is a team sport,but superior individual performances should be recognized,no matter where your team finishes.Its not a poularity contest and the best teams don’t always have the players with the best performances.I just hope Greinke can stick around in Kansas City for a while,so maybe the once proud franchise can turn their fortunes around.