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Trevor Bayne Not Getting A Push From His Daytona Win

26 Feb

When someone wins the biggest event in a sport, normally there comes a buzz or push with winning. You know, Wheaties, Disneyworld, McDonald’s, and numerous sponsors come your way when you win.

Trevor Bayne hasn’t felt the love from sponsors after winning the Daytona 500, the most prestigious race in NASCAR. I don’t know why since corporate entities love to be associated with a winner. He received calls from President Obama an vice president Joe Biden and has made the TV rounds. Yet nothing from sponsors. Maybe the sponsors will come knocking in due time. Maybe they’re waiting to see if Bayne is the real deal.

“Maybe these first seven races we can get some momentum and some companies will want to come on board,” Bayne said from Phoenix International Raceway on Friday. “Our goal would be to run the full season. That would be awesome if we could do that with the Wood Brothers and for Roush Fenway. You’ll see this weekend, our car is solid white and that’s not because we think it looks cool. We need some people to come on board.

For Bayne’s sake maybe he can get a few more wins under his belt and get some sponsors so he can run a full schedule and keep a pit crew.