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Torii Hunter on restricted list due to son’s arrest

15 May

Torii Hunter won’t be in the Los Angeles Angels’ lineup for an undisclosed amount of time because his son has been arrested in connection with to a sexual assault in Prosper,Texas. Hunter has been placed on the restricted list by the Angels.  

Hunter’s son,  Darius McClinton-Hunter, was arrested along with four other students at Prosper High School on charges related to sexual assault.

The investigation into the alleged sexual assault was reported about a month ago “and culminated with the arrest of these five individuals today,” said Prosper Assistant Police Chief Gary McHone.

“There’s a lot of information we’re receiving to date in terms of the actual alleged offenses,” he said. “That’s still part of our ongoing investigation.”

McClinton-Hunter’s attorney, Todd Shapiro says the family is upset and devastated.

“Everybody is devastated,” he said. “They’re very upset. He’s a 17-year-old kid. He has a very bright future; he still does. He’s a very good student. He’s a good athlete. He has a lot going for him.”

I feel bad for Hunter, but I feel worse for the victim who’ll have to relive this through a trial and have to fight through the mental torture for the rest of their life.

Police pull their guns on Torii Hunter

5 Apr

Los Angeles Angels outfielder Torii Hunter had a pretty harrowing experience while at home. Police responded to an alarm at Hunter’s home and the end result was Hunter having to ID himself while the cops had their guns drawn.

Hunter responded to the incident via Twitter and was initially excited by the whole incident, but to his credit didn’t make a big deal out of it.

“My alarm went off in my house while I was in it. 20mins later I saw cops checking out the scene. Went outside and they drew there guns on me,” his first Tweet said. “They didn’t believe I lived here in Newport coast so they walked me upstairs at gunpoint to get my ID. When I showed him my ID, he said I’m an angel fan hope u guys have a great season. ARE U KIDDING ME!!!!!! Lol”

Hunter later praised the cops for doing their job.

“The police departmen did a great job of protecting my home. Thanks guys!” he wrote.

I do give Hunter credit for not being too bent out of shape about it.