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Hue Jackson Named Raiders Coach

18 Jan

Hue Jackson has reportedly been named head coach of the Oakland Raiders. I’m glad Jackson got the job but Tom Cable shouldn’t have been fired in the first place. That’s just my personal opinion. I hope he hs thick skin because you know how Al Davis gives his coaches no wiggle room and zero margin for error. Also he’ll have to win over the locker room that had grown increasingly loyal to Cable. I don’t know how well Jackson got along with the players, but he is known for relating well to plaers and is a highly regarded play-caller.

If Jason Campbell can continue to progress under Jackson the Raiders could be threat to make the playoffs next season. Yes, I think Campbell will be the starter in Oakland next year. If Campbell regresses, Captain Al might start reminding Hue how much of a short leash he has. 

The Cable guy gets renewed in Oakland

24 Jan

After the off field problems and sometimes lackadaisical play,Tom Cable remains head coach of the Oakland Raiders.Cable will never be mistaken for Vince Lombardi,hell,not even Tom Flores.And the current edition of the Raiders won’t remind experts of great Raiders teams of the past.Bottom line,right now the Raiders are a bad football team.Occasionally they played over their heads and rose up and beat some playoff contenders.They played with that famed Raider pride and poise every once in a while.Now I will only give Cable some credit because he’s the coach.I think they won the five games they won this season was because after being kicked so much,pride kicked in and the players decided they had enough.I won’y put this all on the players,because I think some of the teams they beat overlooked the Raiders and chalked it up as an automatic win before the game was played(Broncos and Steelers).But it possibly saved Cable’s job.

   The Raider job isn’t a plum job because of that smarmy,crotchety,senile old man known as Al Davis.He demands things be done his way or your out.He’s a worse meddler than Dan Snyder and Jerry Jones.Also who would want to coach a team where you have hardly any input on personnel and allegedly limited game planning.Mr.Davis has to know that a 70’s game plan won’t win  any games in this day and time.Somehow,despite Davis reportedly looking for other coaching candidates,while still retaining Cable,Cable wants to stick around.Maybe because this will be the only head coaching job Cable will have in the near future or at any point at all.Maybe it’s because no one wants a piece of the fabled Raider empire.The candidates mentioned,there were only two,Jim Fassel and someone whose name escapes me right now,both said they weren’t interested and were not interviewed for the job as reports said.I don’t blame them.I know I wouldn’t want to coach there.Somehow Cable stays with a team that wasn’t a 5 win team but somehow it got to that number and Davis is delusional for thinking it’s more than a 5 win team.Hey, Cable did say this was his dream job.How that is,I don’t know.