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Von Miller predicts that Tebow will start in New York

17 Apr

Von Miller of the Denver Broncos is now in the prediction business. And he’s speaking up for former teammate and current New York Jet, Tim Tebow.

Miller was one of Tebow’s biggest supporters last season and thinks that he’ll eventually take the starting quarterback job from the incumbent starter, Mark Sanchez.

Miller said: ”I think everybody’s mistaken if you think he’s just going to go over there and be a wildcat quarterback or a situational quarterback. The Tebow that I know is going … to be able to compete for that starting job.”   

If Sanchez gets off to a slow start, he should definitely be looking over his shoulder because the fans will be calling for Tebow should he falter.

Cromartie doesn’t want Tebow with the Jets

21 Mar

With Peyton Manning signing with the Denver Broncos, everyone figures Tim Tebow will be useless. So everyone is in a haste to trade Tebow. I wouldn’t but I’ll save that for later. The frontrunners in the Tebow derby are the New York Jets and Jacksonville Jaguars. I’m sure new offensive coordinator Tony Sparano could develop a package of plays for Tebow and the Jaguars probably could sell more tickets and jerseys.

There is one Jet that doesn’t want Tebow with the Jets. The outspoken Antonio Cromartie. Cromartie says the Jets don’t need Tebow and they should let him go elsewhere.

“We don’t need Tebow,” Cromartie wrote on his Twitter account. “We sell out every home game, let him go to Jacksonville, Tampa or Miami. Out wildcat offensve can (be) run by (Jeremy) Kerley or Joe McKnight. We straight.”

At least Cromartie is showing support for other teammates. But he’s not in the front office and they are the ones that call the shots. Also if I’m the Broncos I might be in no hurry to trade Tebow. I know he’s not the greatest quarterback, but maybe, just maybe he could watch and learn under Manning and be a better player because of it. Also, what if Manning gets hurt because his neck isn’t right? Then you’re back to ground zero. Unless John Elway already has a plan for the draft and free agency for a backup.   

Tebow Has A Champ (Bailey) In His Corner

19 Jan

Denver Broncos cornerback Champ Bailey is one of the stronger voices in the team’s locker room. So when he speaks teammates listen. Bailey has given quarterback Tim Tebow a vote of confidence following John Elway’s announcement that Tebow will be named the starter going in to next season’s training camp.

Bailey says he’s behind Tebow, but also points out what he needs to work on.

“I think Tim has a lot to prove still,” Bailey said today on Jim Rome Is Burning. “He’s proven he can win some tough games. Now it’s just being consistent. One thing about him, he’s going to work at it. And I’m behind him 100 percent. 

“I think at some point he’ll have to be if he wants to play a long time,” Bailey said. “That’s one area he’s going to have to improve to be elite in this league. But the things he does running the ball — he can make some throws, it’s just being comfortable doing it. He’s got to get better at it, and when he does, the sky’s the limit for him.”

“I think at some point he’s going to have to improve with his arm, which would make him even more deadly,” Bailey said.

Bailey points out what everyone knows, but I give him credit for not trashing Tebow for his style of play. I wasn’t a big Tebow fan when he was at Florida, but I couldn’t find a reason to bash him because the man was a winner. 

I second Bailey’s opinion because I do believe Tebow will work hard to make himself better which will make his team better. We all know he can win games, even if he did it in an ugly manner.    

Tim Tebow Dancing With The Stars? Maybe

19 Jan

More Tim Tebow. All Tebow all the time. The Tebow train keeps on rolling and everyone wants a piece of him. Will Tebow be ‘Dancing With The Stars’? If Karina Smirnoff has her way, he’ll be on the show and her dance partner.

“All I want for my birthday is for Tim Tebow to dance on Dancing with the Stars,” she said Saturday, not long after Tebow and his Broncos team were ousted from the NFL playoffs by Tom Brady and his Patriots. “Tim is a very talented athlete, that was clear when we saw his performance this past season with Denver.” 

 “He can run, jump, pass, throw touchdowns,” she told PEOPLE. “All [that] is missing is to see if he has the dance skills. That would make him an all around athlete and someone that I would love to dance with on the show.” 

It’s fairly obvious that Smirnoff is impressed with Tebow’s athletic skills. After turning down CBS, I don’t think Tebow will be accepting a dance invite anytime soon.

Tebow Invited To Lead Prayer At Colorado House Of Reps.

14 Jan

All Tebow, all the time. it seems we can’t get away from Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow. There is always some kind of news involving Tebow. See how many times I’ve mentioned his name?

The latest news is that Democratic Rep. Sal Pace has invited Tebow to lead them in the morning prayer. Pace said in the letter that Tebow is an excellent choice to “give Colorado’s elected officials guidance as we take on the important task of leading Colorado.”

“You have inspired Colorado. You have inspired America!” Pace wrote. “Throughout your career you have consistently proven the naysayers wrong.”

“By leading the Denver Broncos into the playoffs, and giving us our first playoff victory in six years, you have given all of Colorado something to cheer about, in times that have been filled with all too often negative news,” Pace said in the letter.

“Our schedule is flexible, as we do not want to take you away from any practice prior to the AFC Championship game or Super Bowl,” Pace wrote while making the assumption that the Broncos will pull off another upset this weekend.

Tebow’s not my favorite player, but I do give him scores of credit for putting together the kind of season he has. Not many gave him a chance when he came out of Florida for the NFL Draft. Now he’s quickly embarking on legend status, at least in Denver. I just find it comical that he receives all this press and others look to him for inspiration.

I don’t think he can pull off the win against the New England Patriots  this weekend, but anything is possible in the world of Tebow.

Read more:

Tebow’s New Haircut

8 Aug

Even though Dez Bryant didn’t want to go through the hazing process, Tim Tebow so far has gotten it far worse than what Bryant was asked to do. Tebow got the worse haircut I’ve ever laid eyes on.

I’ll give him credit though, he was a trooper about it. Much more than Dez in Dallas. It does make him look a little cartoonish though.

Old,bitter quaterbacks

7 Feb

First we had to hear Fran Tarkenton go all bitter old man on Brett Favre,mostly for being a former Packer now quarterbacking the Vikings.I believe it had something to do with Favre possibly getting the Lombardi Trophy to Minnesota.Something he wasn’t able to accomplish in his storied,Hall Of Fame career.Now there is the Joe Theismann shot at Tim Tebow.I’m not the biggest Tebow fan,but he’s taken enough about his possible NFL prospects.Theismann was quoted as saying”Obviously they don’t teach throwing the football at Florida.I’m no football historian,as Theismann’s college days were a bit before my time.But if I can remember,Notre Dame wasn’t throwing it all over the yard during your playing days either Joe.Just leave Tebow alone and let it all play out.Odds are he won’t be a quarterback,but he at least deserves a shot to try.At least Tebow wore a real helmet.