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TCU and Baylor combine for 13 hit batsmen

9 Mar

In college baseball normally there are scores of hits in any given game. Unless there is a truly special pitcher on the mound, games usually result in a 12-10 slugfest. Ok, not all games are like that but it’s pretty close.

TCU and Baylor put on the hits Tuesday night but in a different way. The two teams combined to plunk 13 batters in the game. The 13 hit batsmen were more than the hit total which was 12. 10 Baylor batters were hit and three TCU hitters were hit.

“It was ugly, it was just an ugly game,” Baylor head coach Steve Smith said in a report on the school’s website. “It’s hard to watch some of what we do, particularly on the mound. This was not a hard game to pitch, the wind is blowing in the batters’ faces, and it’s just not that hard.”  

There were more batters hit by pitches than hits (12).

There were also a combined 11 walks in the game that took 3 hours, 53 minutes to play.

Baylor leadoff batter Nathan Orf was hit by three different pitchers.

TCU starter Brandon Finnegan threw 4-2/3 innings of no-hit ball, but hit six batters.  

Surprisingly this didn’t result in a brawl, but I wonder if there’s any bad blood behind it or will it affect future meetings between the two teams.

TCU Makes A Celebratory T-Shirt

15 Nov

After ending any slight hope that Boise State had at a national title shot, TCU has a t-shirt celebrating their win. I’m sure the players or coach didn’t have anything to do with it, but it’s out there.

This was more of a slap in the face to Boise State and the Mountain West conference after they felt slighted since the MWC decided to move the game to Boise State after TCU announced they were moving to the Big East. The Horned Frogs won the game and will be going to the Big 12 and not the Big East. Also Boise State will be moving to the Big East.

It looks like the Horned Frogs got the last laugh on Boise and the MWC in the end.

TCU Gets Some New Duds

6 Apr

Fresh off an undefeated season and Rose Bowl win over Wisconsin, TCU has been outfitted for new uniforms by Nike. They’re not the emperor’s new clothes but I guess they’re not that bad.

The look is a little more basic than the past. They did away with the frog on the helmet and I wonder if they’re going to still break out the frogskin unis for special occasions.