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Spencer Hawes Says David Stern Makes Too Much Money

2 Aug

NBA commisioner David Stern gets paid. I’m not talking about the him lining his pockets from player fines either. The commish makes $23 million a year, which is a ton of money to sit in his ivory tower and run a sports league.

Philadelphia 76ers center Spencer Hawes thinks Stern is overpaid. Hawes took to Twitter to give his take on Stern’s high salary.

I can understand what Hawes is thinking, but he didn’t have to say it. Hope he doesn’t back down and say someone hacked his account. Also he should hope this doesn’t have any future consequences for his career. Not that anything like that would happen, but Tim Donaghy was a referee at one point.     

Spencer Hawes’ Message To The NBA

26 Jul

The city of Seattle held an NBA sanctioned charity basketball game between some NBA players and Seattle’s finest.

After the 2 1/2 hour exhibition, former Washington Husky and Seattle Prep star, Spencer Hawes, stepped to the microphone with a message to the NBA about bringing basketball back to Seattle and a unique haircut to relay the message.

“I just want to leave y’all with one last thing,” Hawes shouted. “Come home, Sonics! Come home, Sonics!”

Well the Sonics aren’t coming home. I don’t know if David Stern will bring the NBA back to Seattle. Personally I would like to see that happen, because it seems strange without a team in Seattle.