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Iverson gets a contract offer…from indoor soccer league

22 Feb

It looks like another obscure indoor sports league is making big news again. After Terrell Owens signed with the Allen Wranglers of the Indoor Football League, the Rochester Lancers of the Major Indoor Soccer League announced they have offered a contract to former NBA star Allen Iverson. 

Under the contract offered, Iverson would make $20,000 per game, with a $5,000 bonus for each goal scored. There would also be win bonuses and merchandise bonuses. There’s only one problem. There are only two games left in the season.

“Allen Iverson is one of the premier athletes of our time,” said Rich Randall, Lancers vice president.  “With his athleticism and competitive hunger, I think he can be a great fit with our team and fans as we make an important playoff push, while also driving interest to an exciting, growing sport.”  

I find it nothing more than a ploy to get your team and league in the news. I guess any publicity is good publicity in this case. Don’t look for Iverson to be kicking it on a soccer field near you. Even though Iverson has been reported to be in dire straits financially, the money wouldn’t be enough to satisfy Iverson and his lavish lifestyle. But if he wants to stay over here in the U.S. this would be his chance.  

Drunk E-mailing

17 Apr

The New Zealand football national youth coach of found himself in a bit of hot water recently. The offense: sending an explicit picture of himself to the mother of a prospective player.

Coach Steve Cain resigned for what he called “personal reasons”. But it came out about the explicit e-mail and it seems like he resigned for personal conduct reasons.

Cain told the Sunday News that “in a moment of madness” after “a few beers” he had sent a picture to a woman which partially showed his genitals. He said the woman, the mother of a youth team prospect, had been sending him explicit e-mails and had “pestered” him to respond.

The worse part was the kid didn’t even earn a spot on the team, then she told New Zealand Football about his e-mail. That was kind of underhanded. But he didn’t have to do it either.

NZF chairman Frank van Hattum says that Cain might be considered for another coaching job but I think it’s best for all parties to move on.

Michael Jackson Statue Unveiled Outside Of Soccer Stadium

3 Apr

I don’t profess to know anything about soccer and I never will, but this story caught my eye.

Fulham of the English Premier League has unveiled a statue of Michael Jackson outside of their stadium. Owner Mohamed Al Fayed was reportedly a close friend of Jackson’s. He unveiled the statue outside Craven Cottage to jeers from the home fans. He also told those same fans that they can “go to hell” if they didn’t like it.

“Why is it bizarre?” Al Fayed asked reporters after the unveiling. “Football fans will love it. If some stupid fans don’t understand and appreciate such a gift that this guy gave to the world, they can just go to hell.”

“I don’t want them to be fans if they don’t understand, and believe the things which I believe in… they can go and support Chelsea or somewhere else,” he said

Spoken like a true owner. Al Fayed said that Jackson loved Fulham and that he wanted to honor Jackson’s memory and talent.

I never knew Jackson liked soccer, but he was a bit of an eccentric.

Source: New York Daily News


Quote Of The Week: Chad Ochocinco

27 Mar

Chad Ochocinco rating his skills during his MLS tryout in Kansas City:

“The only thing I’m probably good at is being fast as hell.”               

Sometimes that speed is called into question on the football field.          

Referee And Brazil Soccer Federation On The Hook For $96 Million

27 Feb

I’m not big on soccer. Don’t like it won’t watch it and will dispute it till I’m blue in the face that it’s a legit sport. But this story caught my eye.

The Brazil soccer federation and a referee are sharing a $96 million dollar fine. That’s like being sentenced to 120 years in prison. How do you pay that back. Their great great grandkids will be paying back that money. I understand that they’re are a lot of people involved in this, but $96 million. I’m lucky to have $96 dollars.

All this over a match fixing scandal. You know if that happened over here there would’ve been conspiracy theories everywhere. Remember the Lakers-Kings playoff series? That has nothing on this.

A civil court has ruled that the federation and Edilson Pereira de Carvalho must share the fine for the scandal that forced 11 matches to be replayed after the referee confessed to accepting bribes from gamblers to ensure the outcomes of games. Corinthians eventually won matches that it had lost and clinched the title.-The Associated Press

No word on how this is going to be divided up. No college basketball point shaving scandal has ever been this large.