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Buffalo Claims Merriman

3 Nov

The Buffalo Bills claimed former San Diego Chargers linebacker Shawne Merriman off waivers. Merriman has five days to report and says he plans to. He’s not expected to play in Sunday’s game against the Chicago Bears.

Even though the Bills are 0-7, this could be good pickup. Especially since they haven’t gotten anything from former first round pick Aaron Maybin. I just wouldn’t expect Merriman to stick around past the rest of this season.  

Ochocinco issues challenge to Chargers’ Merriman

17 Dec

Outspoken Cincinnati Bengals receiver,Chad Ochocinco has said he wants to fight San Diego Chargers lineman Shawne Merriman.This is before the two teams face off Sunday in San Diego. Ochocinco says he has a personal beef with Merriman which has something to do with an exchange the two had on Twitter earlier this year.I just hope that this is just one of Ochocinco’s put-ons,because its downright silly to have a beef over something said on Twitter.Cooler heads should prevail considering there’s a playoff berth at stake.