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Shaq to discuss GM job with Orlando Magic

24 May

In what would be the worse idea of all time, the Orlando Magic are reportedly willing to discuss the general manager job with Shaquille O’Neal. Orlando is looking to retain the services of Dwight Howard and think that maybe O’Neal could help keeping Howard in town.  

O’Neal stated his career in Orlando but has no front office experience whatsoever. It has worked out with some former players (Steve Kerr, Joe Dumars) but I just don’t see it happening with O’Neal. I don’t really think it’s going to happen and figure the Magic is just trying to keep themselves in the news.

If they’re trying to find someone to save the franchise from irrelevance hiring O’Neal would not be the way to do it.

Shaq Being Sued By An Ex-Employee

5 Aug

To make life miserable for a one time employee, Shaquille O’Neal used cops to seek revenge against the man who sided with his O’Neal’s ex wife in their divorce case.

Shawn Darling has accused Shaq of hacking into his computer and leaving images of child pornography.

Those allegations — as well as the names of the police officers and sexually explicit e-mails and text messages between O’Neal and several women with whom he was involved — are included in the amended complaint of a civil lawsuit originally filed in Miami-Dade circuit court last year.

Darling, who worked for O’Neal between 2007 and 2009 as a technology expert, is seeking damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy and civil racketeering.

The suit seeks damages in excess of $45,000.

Well-known as a police buff, O’Neal called on his law enforcement pals to “frame [Darling] for possession of child pornography, have his house stormed by police, have him arrested for it, and have his computers confiscated while he is hauled off to jail as an accused child pornographer,” the complaint says.

“O’Neal and his henchmen would stop [at] nothing to get what O’Neal needed,” the lawsuit alleges.

Among those police officers named in the amended complaint, filed July 26, is a current sergeant in the Miami Beach police internal affairs division and a former Miami Beach police chief.

Also named is a detective with the Tempe, Ariz., police.

Wow. First being associated with gangbangers and now using cop buddies to frame an ex-employee. Talk about giving someone hell and charging them rent. If there’s one message about these wild allegations, it’s dont’ mess with Shaq.

Shaq, The Big Leprechaun

5 Aug

The Big Leprechaun, The Big Clover, or whatever Shaquille O’Neal decides to call himself these days has landed in Boston. The Celtics signed the 38 year old O’Neal to a two year deal. Now he gets to join all the star geriatrics in Boston. To be honest, I kinda like the deal, even though the Big Diesel is on the verge of breaking down. Boston gets someone to fill the hole left by Kendrick Perkins and people like me still get to hear quick one liners from Shaq. Especially this year a they try to keep up with the Miami Heat, who rounded out their roster with a bunch of ring chasing vets.Hopefully we can see more ESPN commercials like this.

Even though Shaq really didn’t fit in with Cleveland, he might do just fine in Boston. The Celts do like to run when they have the chance, but they are more likely to shut you down on defense, wear you down, and be effiecient on offense. As long as they don’t let Shaq dominate the ball when he’s in the game, the Celts should be ok. Only if he has a matchup he can still exploit. Also don’t have him in late in the game. If they can do that this experiment just might work out. If not it might go the way of the Stephon Marbury experience. Hey at least there’s still a character in the game. Which means i get more ridiculous Comcast commercials and maybe get one more hilarious ESPN spot.