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Spencer Hawes’ Message To The NBA

26 Jul

The city of Seattle held an NBA sanctioned charity basketball game between some NBA players and Seattle’s finest.

After the 2 1/2 hour exhibition, former Washington Husky and Seattle Prep star, Spencer Hawes, stepped to the microphone with a message to the NBA about bringing basketball back to Seattle and a unique haircut to relay the message.

“I just want to leave y’all with one last thing,” Hawes shouted. “Come home, Sonics! Come home, Sonics!”

Well the Sonics aren’t coming home. I don’t know if David Stern will bring the NBA back to Seattle. Personally I would like to see that happen, because it seems strange without a team in Seattle.

Ex-Sonics Owner Has Fan Thrown Out At Book Signing

12 Apr

Filmmaker Adam Brown and other Seattle Supersonic diehards have a bone to pick with former owner Howard Schultz.

Schultz sold the team to a group that moved the Sonics to Oklahoma City.Brown is making a film about it called Sonicsgate. When Brown showed up wearing Sonics gear at Schultz’s book signing at a local Costco, Schultz had him thrown out. Not before another fan gave Schultz an earful.

Schultz was signing his new book “Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life Without Losing Its Soul.” Brown seemed intent on confronting Schultz about a missing piece of Seattle‘s soul, but another attendee beat him to it.

As Brown works his way through the line, a man in front of him whispers, “Watch this,” and proceeds to cut ahead and start yelling at Schultz.

“You betrayed the city of Seattle!” he yells. “… How do you show your face around here?”

After that, whatever Brown had planned goes out the window. Security descends on the scene and Brown is kicked out. Apparently, Schultz told security he specifically didn’t want Brown there.

“Schultz just confirms what we all knew,” Brown says. “You are a coward. You are a traitor.

“You owe Sonics fans an apology.”

There are plenty of fans that would like to get that close to their team’s owner or former owner in this case.

Here’s video footage of the encounter.