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FOX might look to hire Sean Payton

25 Mar

Even though New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton is suspended for this year, it won’t stop others looking to employ him.

A report in the New York Times says that the FOX network is exploring the option of hiring Payton. Het a guy has to make a living right?  

Payton will lose at least $6 million in salary from the Saints and could seek work elsewhere, perhaps in television. On Friday, representatives for ESPN, NBC and CBS indicated that they had no plans to hire him. But Fox Sports, which carries N.F.C. games during the season, is open to the possibility. “Our feeling about Sean is that he’s bright, articulate and obviously contemporary,” said Lou D’Ermilio, Fox’s senior vice president for communications. “Any network with N.F.L. rights would have to consider it.”

The league responded in a statement: “He is suspended from the N.F.L. for the season. His involvement in any non-N.F.L. employment or business matters is not our decision.”

Even though I do think the Saints should’ve been punished, it was a bit harsh. But maybe if Payton or Gregg Williams would’ve told (commissioner) Roger Goodell the truth they might’ve got off with a lighter penalty. But who knows. They were only doing what most in their position probably would’ve done and that is cover their ass.


Lions Fan Made Bomb Threat During Playoff Game

29 Jan

The Detroit Lions needed some help in their playoff loss to the New Orleans Saints. Defensive help that is and not help from any crazy fans, like the one who thought it was a smart idea to phone in a bomb threat to the Superdome during the game.

The fan, 34-year-old Shawn Payton of Jackson, Michigan, called the Superdome during the game and asked the receptionist to pass along a threat to his namesake, Saints coach Sean Payton.

“I will blow up your building,” Shawn Payton said in his first call, according to an FBI affidavit filed in federal court Wednesday and obtained by the New Orleans Times-Picayune.

He felt that wasn’t enough so he called in a second time to make sure the proper authorities got his message.

“Hi, I want you to relay a message to the sideline. If your stupid Southern team keeps winning, there will be reper…severe consequences. OK?” Shawn Payton said in the second call, which law enforcement personnel recorded after being alerted to the first call. 

Well Mr. Payton, you should realize that in the big picture, football is a game and a game only. It’s played by kids and adults are lucky to get paid for it. So there is no reason for you to go off the deep end and make threats.

After the ridiculous stunt he pulled Payton is afraid of the future that awaits him.

“I’m scared,” he said. “I hope they realize that I didn’t mean it and that I’m taking steps to get counseling. . . . I don’t drink, and I don’t do drugs. From time to time, I do get frustrated and go off without meaning it. . . . I let some words fly out of my mouth, and I sincerely apologize. I will never ever, ever, ever do anything like that again.”

Sounds like some one is scared of going to the pokey. This is what happens keeping it real goes wrong.  

Drew Brees Defends Sean Payton’s Move To Dallas

13 Feb

When New Orleans Saints Sean Payton decided to uproot his family and move to Dallas, all kinds of bells and whistles went off in New Orleans. The move was signed off by Saints owner Tom Benson and General Manager Mickey Loomis.

The rumors that came out of it were that the Dallas Cowboys were looking at Payton to fill their general manager post. Another was that Payton was having family troubles. Saints quarterback Drew Brees says it’s none of that and everyone is making a big deal out of nothing. Where there’s smoke there’s fire but I don’t think Payton is going anywhere right now either. 

“It’s a non-issue,” Brees said. “I think everyone wants to immediately jump to conclusions and all of them are so untrue. The first of which is his family and him are having problems. No, that’s not the case at all. The other one is he’s taking a job with the Dallas Cowboys. No, not true either. People want to immediately jump to conclusions as to why he’s bought a home in Dallas but most players and coaches in the league have a home base, a place where they’re either from or where they spent a lot of time before so they have a solid foundation. There’s not a guy who’s more committed to his team and the city of New Orleans than Sean Payton. I think he’s proven that.”

If the Saints struggle early you know the Dallas move will be the focal point behind it. Everyone will say that Payton has an eye on a different job, so the Saints players will feel sold out or why do they want to play for someone who doesn’t want to be here. This will be something to keep an eye provided there is an NFL season.