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Patrick Willis comes to Alex Smith’s defense

27 May

When San Francisco 49ers quarterback Alex Smith said that winning trumps stats in the grand scheme of things in the NFL, he cited Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton as an example of a player who puts up monster stats but the team had a losing season.

Upon hearing about what Smith said, Carolina linebacker Jon Beason stepped in Newton’s defense. Now 49ers linebacker Patrick Willis is standing up for his man. Willis took to Twitter to defend Smith in this he said/he said debate about stats and winning.

“Wins are Wins I stand with My Qb Alex Smith and all my teammates. I can’t wait for the season,” Willis wrote.

All in all both have valid points. The 49ers win in spite of Smith, how do you describe their flirtation with Peyton Manning. And once the Panthers get a few more pieces around Newton (a defense) they will be a force in the NFC.

Brother of Vernon and Vontae Davis declared incompetent in murder case

12 May

The younger brother of San Francisco 49ers tight end Vernon Davis and Miami Dolphins cornerback Vontae Davis has been declared incompetent to stand trial in a murder case. 19 year old Michael Davis is charged with first-degree murder in the April death of 66-year-old Gary Dederichs.

Police say Dederichs was walking alone in a residential neighborhood when he was struck on the head with a hammer or similar weapon.

Davis has also been charged in two nonfatal attacks and is suspected in two additional assaults. All occurred over three days less than a mile from his home.

D.C. Superior Court Judge Robert Morin declared Davis incompetent to stand trial Friday based on a psychiatrist’s recommendation. Davis will be treated at a psychiatric hospital in hopes of restoring his competency.

Aldon Smith Charged And Arrested With DUI

28 Jan

San Francisco 49ers rookie linebacker Aldon Smith was arrested and charged with a DUI in Miami Beach Friday night.

San Francisco 49er Aldon Smith was arrested in Miami Beach Friday night and booked into the local jail on DUI charges, according to information from the Miami-Dade County Corrections and Rehabilitation Department website.

According to records, the 23-year-old rookie linebacker was booked into jail at 9:32 a.m. EST Saturday morning after being charged with driving under the influence. The bond amount listed was $1,000.

You always hate to hear news like this and be critical about it. But when will some of these athletes and entertainers realize that they should invest in a cab after getting loaded up after a night of partying. There have been past incidents where the worse has happened.

I look for Smith to get off relatively easy in this case. Probably some AA classes, community service, and a light form of probation.

When will they ever learn?    

Cowboys Kicker Says They Need To "Hit Ted Ginn In The Mouth"

17 Sep

When there’s some trash talk going on in the NFL it usually isn’t the kicker being the player doing the talking. Dallas Cowboys kicker David Buehler doesn’t follow that unwritten protocol.

San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Ted Ginn singlehandedly saved the 49ers in their season opener with a kick and punt return for touchdowns. Buehler seems to think that if Ginn getys his hands on the ball, the Cowboys need to hit him in the mouth.

“If the wind is at my back, hopefully I’ll get the green light and be able to kick a touchback and keep it out of Ted Ginn’s hands because he is a dangerous returner,” Cowboys kicker David Buehler said. “As long as you hit him in the mouth earlier, I think he might give up.”

Considering that Buehler only had one touchback in five attempts last week, the Cowboys might get that chance.


Harbaugh Wants More TV Time For The 49ers

12 Sep

Jim Harbaugh might want to “win with cruelty” while he’s with the San Francisco 49ers if he’s going to serve notice to various media outlets.

Harbaugh was a little miffed when he noticed that there weren’t too many Niners highlights while he was doing a little channel surfing.

“Kind of flipped through the channels, the NFL Network, the highlight express, and the ESPN blitz, and never caught one highlight of the 49ers on any of those,” Harbaugh said today.

Harbaugh said the lack of 49ers highlights on TV demonstrates the perception that the 49ers aren’t a good team.

“I mean, just kind of documents what you know. What the perception is of our team around the league and around the country,” Harbaugh said. “It’ll be up to us to do something about that. We can take control of that and that’s something we need to do.”

I can’t blame network execs for the lack of 49er highlights. They’ve been borderline horrible for the past decade. Besides, the only highlights they had yesterday were the Ted Ginn kick and punt returns. Other than that there wasn’t too much to recap. Harbaugh should worry more about winning games rather than how many highlights get on television or risk being shown the door like his predecessors (Mike Nolan, Mike Singletary)


Braylon Edwards Signs With 49ers

4 Aug

After being shunned by the New York Jets, wide receiver Braylon Edwards has signed with the San Francisco 49ers. Edwards signed a one year, $3.5 million dollar deal with the 49ers.

Edwards announced the deal on Twitter.

“It’s official #Team17 we have moved to the bay. I’m a proud member of the San Fransisco 49ers,” Edwards wrote.

Last season with the Jets, Edwards had 53 catches for 904 yards and seven touchdowns. I would expect that he will be named the number one receiver in San Francisco unless Michael Crabtree steps it up. On an unrelated note, Crabtree just became a fantasy sleeper.

This could turn out to be a good move for the Niners. It all depends on Edwards and quarterback Alex Smith. If Smith can actually get his game on track, it could make the 49ers a darkhorse for the NFC West title. Edwards could help him immensely, only if he can hold on to the ball. After his breakout season in 2007 with the Cleveland Browns, he has been plagued by drops. If he can be cured of that problem and steer clear of any off field drama this signing will look like one of the best bargains of the free agent period. 

Former NFL Player, R.W. McQuarters Shot

2 May

Former NFL player and vetran of many teams, R.W. McQuarters was shot in Tulsa, Oklahoma early Saturday morning.

McQuarters was visiting a friend and as he was leaving saw a man in a ski mask. McQuarters got into his car and heard several gunshots. He realized he was hit and drove himself to Hillcrest Medical Center. McQuarters had been shot in the back. The reports say the injuries are not life threatning.

McQuarters played for the Chicago Bears, San Francisco 49ers, Detroit Lions, and New York Giants.

Here’s to a quick, speedy recovery for McQuarters.

Roddy White Rips Alex Smith

16 Apr

A player from another team doesn’t rip an organization’s personnel decisions. They keep to themselves (not literally) and often wonder about management making their team better.

So why did Atlanta Falcons wideout Roddy White take it upon himself to rip San Francisco 49ers quarterback Alex Smith. I guess that’s something we’ll never know. White decided that he should be involved in the discussion of keeping Alex Smith around. White sounded off on the defacto athlete website, Twitter.

Why is the 49ers wasting their time with alex smith they need to move on better yet try to get luck next year would be good for them

There’s more where that came from.

2 coaches have been fired for tht mans performance
Those are thoughts you keep to yourself or to teammates.

When someone responded to him on twitter saying that Smith will outplay Matt Ryan next season and called White an “ignorant prick”, White responded with  “lol son your praying for a miracle.”

After all that he apologized for his remarks and trouble he caused.

Ok 49ers fans I’m sorry I take tht back alex smith is a great players and the 49ers should sign him to a 5 year deal btw I don’t have anything against alex smith wht so ever he is a great guy

Sounds like that apology was forced. Maybe someone in the Falcons organization made him do it and told him to keep his mouth shut. The problem in all this is that it’s pretty much true.


A Microcosm Of The Mike Singletary Era

27 Dec

This seems to represent the Mike Singletary era in San Francisco.