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Delmon Young Out For The ALCS

8 Oct

The Detroit Tigers will be missing one of their major factors when they start the ALCS tonight against the Texas Rangers.

Delmon Young has been taken off the roster for the ALCS due to an oblique injury he suufered late in Game 5 against the New York Yankees. Young will be replaced on the roster by Danny Worth and the Tigers will likely with a platoon of Don Kelly and Ryan Raburn in leftfield.

I’m kind of surprised that they didn’t replace him with Andy Dirks, but I figure they will need Worth to play a little second base and pinch run. The loss of Young is a major blow to the Tigers as he has thrived hitting third in front of Miguel Cabrera. Also the way the offense performed against the Yankees in the ALDS, they were going to have to step it to beat the Rangers.

I know pitching wins championships but having an offense to compliment the pitching makes a team a complete threat.