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Quote Of The Week: Ron Artest

12 Jun

Everyone knows that Ron Artest says and does some crazy things. He’s done it again recently when he was kind of praising new Los Angeles Lakers coach Mike Brown.

“I think it’s good,” Artest said. “Mike Brown is a guy who got LeBron and the Cleveland Cavaliers to the championship with just LeBron and a bunch of old ladies in canes. I don’t know how he did that, I don’t know how he did that, but he’s a great coach — I played for him in Indiana. He was a great defensive mind. Rick Carlisle did all of the offense, and Mike Brown did all of the defense.”

Ouch! I know the Cavs were limited around LeBron but damn. That’s worse than what ESPN’s Doug Gottlieb labeled Michigan State before the NCAA Tournament, when he called the Spartans “Kalin Lucas and those other dudes”. At least they got the distinction of being called dudes.

 (Thanks, Larry Brown Sports)

Quote Of The Week: Ron Artest

12 Dec

Los Angeles Lakers forward Ron Artest needs to watch what he eats. Here’s Ron explaining his vegan lifestyle to

“About 80%. I like pork chops”.

If that’s considred being a vegan in your house Ron, maybe I need to get an invite over there. Pork chops, bacon, steak, sausage. I’d eat all day over there.

Call me crazy but Artest may have been Lakers’ MVP

19 Jun

I know there will be millions calling me crazy,but Ron Artest may have been the true Finals MVP for the Lakers.It may not show in the offensive statistics, but you can’t deny the job he did on Boston’s Paul Pierce.Pierce who was the Finals MVP two years ago against these same Lakers, was locked up by Artest.Pierce,the self proclaimed best player in the world, really never got it going offensively in this years finals.Lacking a scorer and one on one option in the halfcourt,kinda doomed the Celtics.Kevin Garnett was a shell of himself and Ray Allen was hot for only one game.They needed Pierce to step up and Artest didn’t allow him to do so,save for game 5.Besides the defensive job he did on Pierce, he also stepped up with a timely shot or two. “Crazy” Ron will never be known as an offensive force, or even a dependable option,but he showed that he can step up in the face of pressure and is a teammate that can be counted on, on both ends of the court. Kobe Bryant will always be number one in Lakerland while he’s there,but at least Kobe knows Ron has his back.

Will the Lakers be "the family circus"

1 Nov
An early season 94-80 loss to the Dallas Mavericks have Mark Cuban and a few others saying I told you so. I know it’s early in the season, but the Lakers looked bad last night, in the process making Mavericks owner Mark Cuban seem prophetic. During the preseason he said that the Ron Artest signing would open the door for others in the Western Conference. True things weren’t working last night but i’m sure Phil Jackson will get everything straightned out and Kobe Bryant will make sure everyone stays on the same page. Another potential distraction is Lamar Odom. With the high profile marriage to reality tv Khloe Kardashian, he’ll have more cameras following him than he had before. Odom usually keeps out of the spotlight, now he’s being thrust into it. Hopefully he can keep his mind on his game and not crumble under the increased attention he gets away from the arena. An immense talent, he’s always had a tendency to drift and disappear during games. Although this seems like a recipe for trouble i think the Lakers will overcome this circus atmosphere to remain kings of the west until proven otherwise.