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Is Ricky Williams unretiring for the Chargers?

31 Mar

After finishing his final NFL season with the Baltimore Ravens, Ricky Williams decided to retire and call it a career.

After an interview on 103.1 FM, a radio station in Austin, Texas, Williams indicated that he would be willing to come back to play for the San Diego Chargers.

Williams ran for 444 yards on 108 carries last season and will be turning 35 in a few months. You know what that means by NFL standards. He’s done.

Even though Williams hasn’t had the normal wear and tear of the average NFL running back, I really don’t think he would be able to carry the load if Ryan Mathews were to be hurt for an extended period of time.

It would be kind of heartwarming to see Williams come home to San Diego, but it probably won’t happen. The Chargers are better off looking for younger, cheaper options.