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Norv’s Reply

20 Oct

Rex Ryan told the press that he would have two rings if he would’ve been named coach of the San Diego Chargers in 2007. We all know hindsight is 20/20 and Ryan might’ve been the man to get the job done in San Diego.

The man who coached the Chargers, Norv Turner, had a reply for Ryan after he called and apologized for his “mistaken” comments.

“It really was between he and I. I think we’ve had enough coaching drama in the league the last few days and we don’t need any more,” Turner said.

“I hadn’t seen his quote and I was a little bit surprised by the call,” Turner said. “And then after I saw the quote, I didn’t have a chance to ask him this, but I was wondering if he had those rings with the ones he’s guaranteed the last couple of years.”

That’s what long suffering Jets fans are asking.


Rex Ryan Is Full Of Himself

19 Oct

It’s old news that New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan is full of bluster. Normally he’s talking up his team and predicting Super Bowl wins. Now he’s crsoosed the line.

With the Jets getting ready for a key AFC matchup against the San Diego Chargers, Ryan thought it would be a good idea to open his trap and stir up the hornets nest again.

Ryan said that if he were hired by the Chargers back in 2007, he’d have a couple of Super Bowl rings.

“Well, I think I would have had a couple rings,” Ryan told San Diego reporters today when asked about how things would have unfolded if he were hired by GM A.J. Smith. “I’m telling you, those teams were loaded. There’s no question about it. But things happen for a reason. Obviously, Norv Turner has done a great job there. And A.J. (Smith) and everybody. That’s a great franchise. He was probably the best guy for the job at that time.”

Now that is a slap in the face. I know he tried to cover for it at the end of the quote, but the indictment he levied against Norv Turner was that he’s not a good enough coach to lead a team to a Super Bowl. Now I think that Turner isn’t the greatest coach in the world, but let the fans spit that knid of venom.

Of course Ryan said the comments were a “testament to what the Chargers have built” and not a slight against Turner and made a call to Turner to clarify his statement.

Rex knew he was in deep and needed to clear it up. He needs to concentrate on his own team and live up to the expectations that he has bestowed upon them. Yes Rex it’s time to deliver a championship that you’ve benn promising the past two years.

Rex Ryan Has No Well Wishes For Shaun Ellis

7 Aug

If you ask New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan former Jet Shaun Ellis is the equal to Benedict Arnold. Ellis signed with division rival, New Engalnd, whom Ryan doesn’t like. Both players and coaches know that it’s a business and when Ellis couldn’t get an extension he signed with the Patriots. 

Ryan had this to say about Ellis, according to the New York Daily News’ Manish Mehta.

“The fact that he chose them . . . there’s no way I’m going to wish him well. There’s no chance of that.”

Knowing Ryan he probably had a lot more to say than that. I’m not buying that Rex will let this go quietly. This could be another Bounty Bowl in the making. Knowing that Bill Belichick stuck it to him will only intensify this rivalry. This isn’t over by a longshot.

Rex Ryan And The Jets Are The Giants’ Big Brother

27 Apr

New York Jets coach Rex Ryan is back at it. This time it’s all in black and white. Ryan has co-authored a book with Don Yeager called,  “Play Like You Mean It”. 

I won’t go into great detail about it but he did take some time to slam a few former players (Kerry Rhodes, Vernon Gholston) get at Tom Brady once again and lets his feelings be known about other topics, like the Ines Sainz incident.

One thing that perked my ears up was when he talked about the Jets emerging from the shadow of the New York Giants.

“When people ask me what it’s like to share New York with the Giants, my response is always, I am not sharing it with them — they’re sharing it with me,” Ryan says, adding, “I know it’s going to piss off every Giants fan to hear this, but here you go: We are the better team. We are the big brother.”

Ryan also says the Jets are “going to remain the better team for the next 10 years. Whether you like it or not, those are the facts and that’s what’s going to happen.”

Mighty bold words for the big guy. I’ll say this though, the Jets are the better team right now. They have emerged from the Giants shadow as the G-Men have become pretty rigid under Tom Coughlin. The Giants also have a knack for folding in big games, sans their Super Bowl run.

I don’t know about the next ten years, that all depends on drafting smart and signing the right players. No pun intended, but Ryan is aiming high with the Jets.


Rex Ryan Predicts Super Bowl Win For Jets

12 Feb

The NFL offseason has barely started and Rex Ryan has put the pressure on himself and the New York Jets already. Rex and his wife Michelle were taking in a Knicks game last night and Rex predicted a Super Bowl win for the Jets while he expressed his disappointment with the loss in the AFC championship for the second straight year.

“It feeds the competitiveness in you,” Ryan said. “You’re sick that you missed out again, two years in a row. I know how important it us to this town and our fans, and how important it is to me, this football team. To come up short again, it’s a huge blow. “But you do remember. It drives your competitive spirit, like there’s no way, no way we don’t get it done next year. That’s how you feel. That’s how I feel. You can’t wait to get back and have at it again.”

Hey, if you don’t have confidence in yourself who will. That’s why I like Rex. He has confidence in his team and the team feeds off of it. The Jets had their share of off field stories and the beat goes on with the Mark Sanchez story. But Ryan doesn’t see it as a problem.

“Not everybody can play quarterback in this town,” Ryan said. “It takes a special person, and Mark can do it. He’s proved that he can do it. He’s focused and determined. Some guys would wilt under the pressure of New York, of being in the city. But Mark looks forward to it. “You’ve got to have broad shoulders, he has broad shoulders. I always talk about skin like an armadillo—though I know it’s armor, but that’s the illustration we make to our guys. He’s a great player, a great person, and he can handle this.”

Rex has everyone’s back on that team and they love him for it. I’m sure he may ruffle a few feathers every now and then but deep down they know short of committing murder or rape, he’ll go to bat for them. I’m pretty sure they don’t mind him going on record saying they’ll win it all. That’s what you play the game for and if your not then you shouldn’t be playing.


“You’ve got to have broad shoulders, he has broad shoulders. I always talk about skin like an armadillo—though I know it’s armor, but that’s the illustration we make to our guys. He’s a great player, a great person, and he can handle this.”


Love Them Or Hate Them. The Jets Are Good For Football

19 Jan

Deion Branch calls them classless. CBS announcers feel they have some bush league antics. Reggie Jackson thinks they should shut up and play. The ‘they’ I refer to is the New York Jets. I say if you want them to shut up, simply beat them. I love what they’re doing and their brashness is a breath of fresh air to the NFL and I love it.

I love it when you get a team that talks big, wins, and talks some more. That describes the New York Jets. From the head coach all the way down to the 53rd man. They talk a big game. For the most part, they’ve backed it up. Remember when coach Rex Ryan first came on the scene, he said that he “respected the New England Patriots, but he wasn’t there to kiss Bill Belichick’s Super Bowl rings”. That led to the beginning of the fastest rising rivalry in the NFL. Before the playoffs Ryan said that his team were the favorites to win the Super Bowl. Bold words cnsidering they went in with a 9-7 record. Alas, they were one game away from playing for it all. The playoff games against the Indianapolis Colts and Patriots were “personal”.  There was Antonio Cromartie’s verbal lambasting of Tom Brady. They won both games and once again are one game away from the Super Bowl. Think about this, all of the Jets’ playoff wins have been on he road. For all their macho bluster, they back it up.

Bart Scott’s postgame interview typified how the Jets feel.


I’m not the biggest Jets fan and do believe they do a lot of woofing, but they back it up. I tend to like teams like this. the team that wears the villain hat with gusto. Not being smug and cocky like the Patriots. I believe that Super Bowl week would be a whole lot of fun with this cast of characters. Rex Ryan, sounding like his dad Buddy,and the outspoken Bart Scott would be enough for me right there. They’ve toned it down for the AFC championship game against Pittsburgh this week, only because the Steelers haven’t said or done anything to raise their ire. Both teams seem to have a healthy respect for each other. It wouldn’t surprise me though, if the Jets win, one of them takes a Terrible Towel a simulates wiping their backside with it.