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Kurt Warner Lobbies For Randy Moss To Think About Arizona

6 Aug

No one really believes that Randy Moss is retired. It’s like a myth or urban legend of sorts, like Elvis and Tupac still being alive, big foot, and the yeti. There was the Philadelphia Eagles rumor, which turned out to be all talk. Now there is some Moss talk going on in Arizona.

Over the past two offseasons the Arizona Cardinals have lost Anquan Boldin and Steve Breaston. Larry Fitzgerald did his most damage with those two working with him and Kurt Warner at the helm. It owuld seem ideal that the Cardinals would be open to trying to lure Moss to the desert since they do have a void at receiver. Nothing aginst whoever they have now, but I don’t think Early Doucet has any DBs shaking in their cleats. I think it would also make Kevin Kolb’s transition a pretty smooth one.

Speaking of Warner, in an interview with 620 KTAR’s Burns and Gambo, it sounds like Warner was openly lobbying for Moss to rethink his retirement and come to Arizona.

“I don’t think there’s any question he could help,” Warner said. “I still think there’s something in the tank for Randy. . . . He has a great relationship with Larry Fitzgerald. That could be a huge plus coming to this organization.

“I think a deep threat is something that they need. They need somebody that can stretch the field. As good as Larry is, that’s not the player that he is.”

True indeed, he could help the Cardinals, and they do need someone who can go deep. Problem is there isn’t much help on the market. If I were sitting in their front office I’d make Moss an offer he couldn’t refuse. I don’t know if he’d take it but it’s worth a try.

Personally I think Moss is a long way from being done. I just think he’s waiting for the New England Patriots to call him and see if he wants to come back there.

Randy Moss Claimed By Titans

3 Nov

Reports are that the Tennessee Titans have claimed Randy Moss off waivers. This could be good since they recently lost Kenny Britt and now have a big play receiver to compliment running back Chris Johnson. Or this could go down in flames if Moss decides he doesn’t want to play. If he doesn’t it could ruin Vince Young. Just my personal opinion of the situation.

Moss On Auto Tune

3 Nov

Thanks to DJ Steve Porter we get to hear some of Randy Moss’ finest quotes on auto tune.


You Can Go Home Again

7 Oct

My thoughts on the Randy Moss trade may not be in lockstep with others. Oh well, so be it. I think it could be a good trade for Minnesota. True, they did give up a third rounder, which to me is almost like the player to be named later. It could burn them or the player could be a bum. Before I go any further, remember the great Brett Favre lobbied for him when he was still in Green Bay.

Moss will give someone that Favre can trust going deep to. And you know Brett will force it to him, even if he’s triple covered. Even though Moss is older, he’s still an athletic freak. He’s still one of the top five receivers in the league. This could make Favre’s last hurrah (allegedly) one to remember.

On the flip side, the Patriots offense might actually suffer without Moss. Let’s see what Wes Welker can do underneath, now that all the coverages will be focused on him. Who’s going to fill in for him? I think they hope Brandon Tate and Julian Edelman can help fill that role. I just don’t really see a go to guy. But then again, Tom Brady has made it work before with less than receivers. Hey, they also can bring Troy brown out of retirement. The running game isn’t solid, so i can see some of the top defenses teeing off on Brady.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how everything turns out. The Patriot way actually might work out and Favre to Moss might be explosive enough to get Minnesota to the Super Bowl. This could be the best and last chance for both.