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Eagles coach Andy Reid recommends McNabb to teams

16 May

Donovan McNabb has been working out and losing weight in hopes of getting another shot with an NFL team. No one believes that he can help anyone out at this point in his career but he does have someone in his corner that believes in him. Philadelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid.

Reid told interviewers that he thinks McNabb should get another shot and would tell any team to take him.

“I still think he can play. I think the world of him, and we had some great years together here. I’m always wishing him the best and a fan of his. I got a chance to see him at Brian Dawkins’ retirement (event),” Reid told the NFL Network. “He looks good. He looks physically good. He looks like he could go out and play tomorrow. I would highly recommend (him).”

McNabb has been working out with quarterback guru George Whitfield to stay in playing shape.

I do think he could help a team as a quality backup, but if he still harbors thoughts of being a starter anywhere he might want to stay by the phone. Maybe Reid can help a buddy out and sign McNabb.

Osi Umenyiora tells LeSean McCoy Happy Mother’s Day

13 May

Two players on rival teams that don’t get along have a lot in common with each other. They both feel they’re being mistreated by their front office and are looking for a new contract form their respective teams. They also don’t like each other.

New York Giants defensive end Osi Umenyiora and Philadelphia Eagles running back LeSean McCoy have had a beef with each other since last season after McCoy called Umenyiora overrated and soft. Umenyiora responded by calling McCoy “Lady Gaga” and “she”.

Umenyiora has fanned the flames once again via Twitter by telling McCoy to have a Happy Mother’s Day.

“Happy Mothers Day Lesean Mccoy (sic)! Enjoy your special day!!”

Umenyiora then said that “the beef is never over”. We’ll have to see if McCoy can come up with a clever response to Umenyiora’s taunts.

Freddie Mitchell might be doing some hard time

7 Mar

I know the name Freddie Mitchell might elicit some laughs from hardcore NFL fans. If you’re a Philadelphia Eagles fan you might get a stream of expletives. Mitchell, the former Eagles first round pick and receiver was a colossal bust, sans the playoff game against Minnesota during the Eagles’ Super Bowl run.

After the Eagles let him go, there hasn’t been too much news regarding good ole Fred X. You know what they say no news is good news. Well, Mitchell has gotten himself in a bit of trouble with the IRS and it isn’t for tax evasion. Mitchell is facing some serious prison time for federal tax fraud charges.

Mitchell and two other people, Jamie Russ-Walls and Richard Walls, face federal charges in the case in Florida, in an indictment obtained by Fox 29.

The indictment filed by the U.S. attorney in Orlando, Fla., says a company set up by Mitchell, Chameleon Enterprises, was involved in the alleged scam.

The target of a scheme was a professional athlete with the initials A.G., who investigators said had no knowledge of the scheme, but paid for a firm connected with Mitchell to do his taxes.

According to the indictment, the plan was to file for false federal tax returns electronically.

Jamie Russ-Walls and Richard Walls allegedly filed the tax returns, claiming refunds ranging from $170,000 to $1.9 million. The two men also attached false documents to support the refund claims, the indictment says.

The men enlisted Mitchell to recruit professional athletes as tax-return customers.

That is something serious and Mitchell could wind doing some hard time if he’s convicted of the charges. Mitchell might really have to become Fred X if he winds up having to do some time in the pokey.

Somewhere there are some Eagles fans laughing hysterically.


LeSean McCoy Admits To Not Trying

2 Feb

In light of Aaron Rodgers putting his NFC Pro Bowl teammates on blast for putting forth a lackluster effort, Philadelphia Eagles running back LeSean McCoy admitted to not trying in the game Sunday.

 “Yeah? I’m one of those guys,” McCoy said when asked about Rodgers comments. “You walk around every practice and the guys before the games on other teams are like ‘take your time’ because we’re going on a very slow pace, very easy.

“And you get out there and you see guys half-doing it and you do the same thing.”

Wow, that’s a shocker. A player that actually admits to not trying in the Pro Bowl. Not too many do. McCoy just had enough guts to say it.

I’ll say it again. I don’t blame them for not trying. They have too much at stake too get hurt in a meaningless game.

Reeves Says Falcons Abandoned Vick

17 Sep

Michael Vick will be making a homecoming of sorts this Sunday when the Philadelphia Eagles square off against the Atlanta Falcons. For those who remember, Vick started his career with the Falcons before a dog fighting scandal derailed his career for a few years.

Former Falcons head coach Dan Reeves was at the helm when Vick was drafted number one overall in 2001. Reeves had been accused of holding Vick back in his formative years in the NFL. Vick had been accused of ending Reeves’ coaching life in Atlanta.

Even though Reeves was burned by Vick, an article in the Philadelphia Daily News indicates that the two are friendly with each other and send each other text messages. Reeves had some things to say about Vick and the Falcons organization. He feels that in Vick’s darkest moment that the Falcons turned their back on him.

“When Mike really needed them they turned their back on him in my opinion,” said Reeves. “They could have been a big supporter and they let him go. I think it could have been handled differently.

“I wasn’t there so I don’t know the organization’s standpoint, but I thought they could have been more supportive and instead they severed ties with him.”

Vick doesn’t see it that way and has accepted full responsiblity for his actions. Falcons owner Arthur Blank felt that Vick brought it upon himself, but yet lobbied for Vick to get a second chance in the NFL.

“He has let down his fans and his team. He has damaged the reputation of our club and the entire National Football League, and betrayed the trust of many people,” said Falcons owner Arthur Blank in the summer of 2007.

“Only he can answer why he did what he did. At the end of the day he put himself in this position, and the responsibility for doing so rests on his shoulders.”

Vick says he still has respect for Blank, which proves that he harbors no ill feelings about the way the whole ordeal was handled by the Falcons.

“I’m pretty sure every guy in that organization has the utmost respect for him, and I still do,” said Vick of Blank. “I always wish him nothing but the best. I still care about him and I love him unconditionally, and it will always be that way.”

My personal opinion about what Reeves said is that Blank tried to stand by Vick as long as he could. Vick still respects Blank for treating him more like a family member than an employee. When a family member does something wrong, you still support them but in different ways. Blank supported Vick by telling league officials that he should get a second chance, he just couldn’t stand by him with the dogfighting scandal hanging over his head.


DeSean Jackson Makes Gay Slur On Radio Show

9 Jul

You would think that the backlash  NBA players Kobe Bryant and Joakim Noah recevied after spewing homophobic slurs towards fans and referees, athletes would think before they speak. They even made a public service announcement about it. Apparently Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson didn’t see it because he had some unkind words for a caller on  Sirius XM radio’s “All Out Show” with Rude Jude and Lord Sear .

 There was a call from ‘Troy from Tennessee who said something about Jackson getting his “d*** knocked in the ground.”

Jackson replied by saying “What kind of question is that? Say ‘no homo’, gay-a**. Fa***t.”

Fill in the blanks on this exchange.

I think Jackson might want to rethink his bad choice of words. He’s entitled to his opinion but that was something that should’ve been said off the air. The ironic thing about this is that he helped a Philadelphia area youth deal with bullying which included homophobic slurs.

Maybe Jackson should watch an endless stream of the PSA.

Freddie Mitchell Has A Message For Kevin Kolb

3 Jun

For a person that had a limited NFL career, former Philadelphia Eagles receiver, Freddie Mitchell is doing a lot of talking.

In a recent interview, Mitchell had a lot to say including telling quarterback Kevin Kolb not to trust head coach Andy Reid.

“Yeah okay [laughing]. Believe that if you want Kevin. Believe that if you want. Hey. I’ll tell you what Andy Reid. ..I love him to death. He’s like my father and whatever else, but I’m gonna keep it real. Andy is going to do what is best for the Philadelphia Eagles. I tried when I was going on after we lost the Super Bowl [XXXIX] or whatever else…I went in there and I did not want to go to the media or whatever else I said ‘Hey Coach Reid I had problems with Donovan McNabb. You know I can’t eat off of 12 catches a year. I need more catches. I’m doing all the things with the blocking and whatever else to make it happen. I need more catches. Donovan will not throw me the ball. Andy Reid was like ‘Okay Fred well just don’t tell nobody. You don’t have to come to this next mini-camp. We’re going to try to…I know a couple of teams and we’re going to try to trade you.’ At the end of the day what he tried to do was he tried to put a price tag on me that nobody was even going to touch. When they found out that they wasn’t going to touch me, he released me, and then the blackball began with all kinds of dirt saying I was a cancer to the team. I talk too much and everything else. It’s funny because you never heard a teammate complain about me. You never heard that or whatever else, but he put the cancer [comment] on. Kevin Kolb do not think them guys or anybody in the NFL is your friend. The only friend that you have is your agent and if you’re a left or right-handed quarterback is your arm. That’s it. Them guys at the end of the day they are going to go and save their job, save their butt, and go out and do what’s best for the Philadelphia Eagles. You need to do what you need to do.”

First of all why is Mitchell still partly relevant in Philly. Can someone in that city please explain that to me. Second of all Fred Ex, the NFL is a business and Reid is going to look for the best deal possible for Kolb. Mitchell wasn’t that good that’s why he wasn’t traded. No one wanted to waste money on a receiver that couldn’t catch.

Mitchell, you weren’t blackballed and you can thank your hands for that.   

Michael Vick Ditches Another Event

27 Mar

It seems that every other week we hear about Michael Vick not showing up for something that honors him. Not that he has to give an explanation, because personally he doesn’t owe me anything.

WAVY-TV in Virginia reported that Vick was supposed to be the honored guest at the Southeastern Virginia Arts Association Gala. The event was held at the Half-Moon Terminal in Norfolk. Problem is Vick didn’t show.

Vick was supposed to be given an award and the association said that Vick was a hero. Don’t tell that to the people who shelled out $100 for a ticket to see the NFL star. They were so upset at Vick’s no show that they walked out and left. I would’ve been pretty pissed myself if I went there only to find out he was gonna no-show the event.

However, it’s not clear from either the WAVY report or the invitation that Vick ever did say he was going to attend this event. On this one, I’m inclined to give Vick the benefit of the doubt. So far it’s a he-say/we-say deal.


DeSean Jackson Interns On Jimmy Kimmel Live!

26 Mar

Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson has found a creative way to spend his time during the lockout. Intern on Jimmy Kimmel Live!.

Kind of humourous if you ask me. Maybe he’s hoping to land a spot on a tv show. At least he’s putting his time to good use.

Vick’s Old Home A Possible Dog Haven

22 Mar

A non profit group is exploring the idea of buying Michael Vick’s old Virginia home and turning it into a haven for rescue dogs to run free while at the same time being house-trained and socialized for eventual adoption.

The same 15 acre estate that Vick financed a dog fighting ring.

Monica Severy, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, said she would leave the grim kennels that once housed fighting dogs in place as a memorial of sorts. “The dogs deserve for this to be seen,” she said. “It’s an important piece of history.”

The group has to raise $600,000 for the full sale price, so they have a long way to go before this is a done deal. i have to wonder would Vick ever be allowed to visit if this ever comes to fruition.
