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Brandon Flowers "not too worried about Peyton Manning"

16 May

Anyone who has ever played a sport knows that you must have confidence. Sometimes one can be too confident in his/her or their teams ability. So do you think Kansas City Chiefs cornerback Brandon Flowers is overconfident by thinking that the Chiefs will win the AFC West and that Peyton Manning is nothing to worry about? Maybe. That’ll all get played out on the field.

Flowers has no doubt that Manning is a great player but experts shouldn’t be so quick to give the division to the Denver Broncos. Flowers says the Chiefs plan to take the division this year.

“We’ve got the mindset we’re going to win the AFC West,” Flowers said. “Peyton Manning, he’s a quarterback that everyone wants to have. He’s not going to turn the ball over, he’s not going to make critical mistakes.

“But I’m going out there saying if my man can’t get open, he won’t have no one to throw the ball to. So as long as I do my part, we’re not too worried about Peyton Manning.”

Manning has made corners look foolish in the past, but this is a post neck surgery Manning we’re talking about. He is one of the great quarterbacks of all time but he could possibly be a shell of himself.

As for Flowers, just hope his mouth isn’t writing any checks that he won’t be able to cash.

Philip Rivers wants Peyton Manning in Denver

17 Mar

You can’t fault Philip Rivers’ competitive nature, even as the team around him looks like it’s falling apart. The San Diego Chargers missed the playoffs last season and conceded the AFC West crown to the Tim Tebow led Denver Broncos. Now Rivers would love to see the Broncos bring Peyton Manning aboard. Not because he has a personal vendetta against the guy. It’s because he says it’s good for the division to stop being looked at as the weak sisters of the NFL. And he loves the thought of battling Manning twice a year.

“It would make it that much tougher to win the West,” Rivers said on San Diego’s XX 1090 radio, via the Denver Post. “All the sudden, at least from a media’s perspective, it would become a division that’s not lost in the shuffle like it’s been in years past. I kind of hope that that’s the case just because it’s always fun to play a Peyton Manning-led football team. To play him twice a year that would be a battle like crazy to win the division. I hope it happens. One thing you know about him, he’s going to be thorough and make the best decision for him that gives him the best chance to go win. And if that ends up being Denver then it will be exciting.” 

And another hurdle for your slow starting team to overcome. If I’m Rivers I’m begging John Elway to leave Manning alone and let him go elsewhere. How about concentrating on how the Chargers can avoid a slow start or midseason swoon that ruins their season.

Theismann thinks the Redskins signing Manning is"horrific"

8 Feb

While the Indianapolis Colts decide whether or not to keep quarterback Peyton Manning, there are plenty of rumors as to where Manning will be playing next season.

The Washington Redskins are in that conversation and I’m pretty sure the idea of having Manning in a Redskins uniform excites the fan base. Count ex-Redskin quarterback as the one who’s not excited. Theismann thinks it would be a “horrific idea” to sign Manning. 

“It’s not a good idea, it’s not a bad idea — It’s a horrific idea,” he told 106.7 last week via DC SportsBog. ”It would be one of the poorest things that we could do as a franchise. Are we gonna go find another guy for just a couple of years again? Haven’t we done this before? Haven’t we seen this act before? And by the way, if you get Peyton Manning, don’t you have a concern about protecting him? Don’t you have a concern about who he throws the football to?”

“We’re tired of looking for stop gaps,” Theismann said. “It’s time to draft one of your own, or make a deal for a young one of your own, and nurture him, and then put the players around him. If we’re gonna be 5-11, if we’re gonna be 6-10, let’s do it with somebody who’s [learning as he goes], instead of guys that have been here, making mistakes.”

I understand where Theismann is coming from. Since Dan Snyder has taken over the Redskins, he’s acted as if he’s playing strat-o-matic baseball rather than amking smart decisions to improve his football team. So that’s where Theismann’s frustration kicks in. He actually makes sense instead of being the normal blowhard that he is.

On the other hand, it’s Peyton Manning. And anyone who can make Blair White and Pierre Garcon a threat might be able to work wonders with Santana Moss. While Manning might only be around for a few years, you take your quarterback of the future and let him sit behind Manning and learn the game. That way you don’t have a young “savior” setting the franchise back another five years if he screws it up. Also, Mike Shanahan might feel compelled to hand the offense to Manning.

If the Redskins sign Manning, it might be the smartest signing Snyder has ever made.      

Reggie Wayne Is Skeptical About Kerry Collins

25 Aug

Peyton Manning’s status for the season opener is in question right now due to his neck problem. He could possibly miss even more games if the Indianapolis Colts decide to be extra careful with him. The Colts signed the recently retired Kerry Collins off the scrap heap to have an experienced backup on hand just in case Manning’s condition gets worse.

I thought it was a pretty good signing, considering the state of quarterbacking in the NFL.Face it, some of it is flat out brutal. I know Collins isn’t the end all be all of quarterbacking, but if the Colts are to remain among the elite, Collins’ signing was a must.

Now if you ask Colts receiver Reggie Wayne, he would differ with me. He’s not exactly in Collins’ corner, but he didn’t exactly call him a piece of crap either.

“We don’t even know him, we ain’t vanilla, man, we ain’t no simple offense. […] So for him to come in here and be the starter, I don’t see it. I think that’s a step back.

“Who says Kerry’s going to be the starter? Just because we bring him in doesn’t mean he’s the starter. He’s got to learn too, right? Unless they gave him a playbook months ago, he’s got to learn too. […] He’s going to have some studying to do. I’m not sure how he is with the books, not sure about Penn State’s education, but he’ll have to do some studying. […]

“I don’t care who you are, I mean I’m not going to let anyone just come in here and just push someone aside like you’re that dog now, you know what I mean?”

“I don’t want to make it seem like I’m not welcoming or having open arms to anybody that comes to our organization,” Wayne said to the local media. “If they open the doors for Kerry Collins to come, then that’s fine. I can’t do (anything) about that anyways. But I’ll be damned if we’re going to open the doors for someone else, and just drop our heads on who we already have. The Colts are big on protecting their own, so I’m (going to) help protect our own.”

Not exactly a vote of confidence for Collins. And I guess some encouraging words for Curtis Painter. Everyone knows Collins is no Manning, but to rip on his education, damn. I guess Reggie forgot where he went to. The U. I’m not knocking their alumni, but their football players aren’t exactly known for their academic achievements.  

Saints were super,but you can’t pin the loss on Manning

9 Feb
The New Orleans Saints are the Super Bowl Champions.It was hard fought and well deserved.Down early 10-0 the Saints never wavered from their gameplan.Play keepaway from Peyton Manning.It was clear which team was the agressor and which team played on their heels the entire night.Even though Drew Brees threw the ball around,they were short, precise passes that chewed up much of the clock.The defense stepped up big time and showed that they are capable of shutting down a top notch offfense.The Colts had their chances to make this outcome different.I won’t blame coaching,but there was no way that Matt Stover should’ve been attempting a 51 yard field goal.They should have tried to shorten the distance instead of going for it all with the incomplete pass to Austin Collie.The Colts didn’t get her playing it safe,but sometimes you have to.If anything maybe they should’ve tried to pin the Saints deep in their own end.Another thing I noticed was that it seemed like Reggie Wayne was shortarming passes all game.That eventually came back to haunt them,when he cut his route short on Tracy Porter’s game clinching pick 6.I wasn’t in the huddle so I don’t know what play was called,but it looked like he sat on his break,while Porter jumped the route.I know,Manning was the one who threw the ball.Being a watcher of bad football for years(I’m a Lions fan),I know when receivers run bad routes.That’s why I say you can’t blame Manning for the loss.He didn’t have his greatest game,and I know the quarterback is supposed to be your leader,but he can’t go out and defend passes and tackle the opposing running back either.Overall,it was a good game and the Saints defense showed me alot.With a lot of key players in their last year of their contract,they might not have this oppurtunity again.The players and fans should enjoy this,as they’ve been through hard times and lean years in the Big Easy.The Colts had a great season and have nothing to be ashamed of.They will be back and hopefully Manning can shake the choker label and get another ring.