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Oregon’s Darron Thomas Entering NFL Draft

15 Jan

Ina shcoking development, Oregon quarterback Darron Thomas has entered the NFL Draft. after the Rose Bowl many figured Thomas would be coming back for his senior season. I guess he pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes on that one.

“I came to this decision on behalf of myself and my family,” Thomas said in the official release. “I have a dream of playing in the NFL and I’m going to pursue those dreams.

“I would like to thank everyone in Oregon for all their support and I would thank the coaches for all their help, especially Coach (Chip) Kelly. I love my teammates and wish them the best of luck, and am confident they will continue the winning tradition that has been established. Last but not least, I thank all the Oregon fans for their help and support.”

Thomas said that he would be coming back in December, but that won’t happen now. It’s a blow to a program that lost it’s starting running back (LaMichael James) to the draft already. The Ducks would’ve been a co-favorite to win the Pac-12 with USC. Now it looks like the road for the Trojans just got a bit easier. It’s not the end for the Ducks but I don’t see them being the force they were over the past three seasons. Coach Chip Kelly seemed luke warm about the jump to the NFL.

“As in all cases, we educate our players with the information we feel will be beneficial to them throughout the process but ultimately, the decision is left up to the players. I will always support Darron in his decision and want to thank him for everything he has done for this program. He obviously has played a major role in elevating Oregon football to new heights and I wish him well in the future.”

As for Thomas, he’s not listed in any pre-draft position rankings, so he might have a long climb ahead for him. At 6-3 and 215 pounds he could have a future at quarterback, but there are many who will call him an athlete. Maybe the success of Cam Newton gave him the idea that he may have a shot. Being a run pass threat, I think he could turn into a legit NFL quarterback. If he’s given the time and coaching.  

I don’t know what his line of thinking was but I’m not one to try and crush anyone’s dreams. If he puts together a monster combine (if he’s invited) or pro day, who knows what can happen. I would like to see him get a legitimate shot to play quarterback. If he can’t hack it, change his position, or he can go to Canada. I wish him the best of luck in chsing his dreams.    

LaMichael James Freaked Out By Space Mountain

31 Dec

The Oregon Ducks are making another Rose Bowl trip and I suppose they are making the most out of their time in sunny southern California. You know the sightseeing perks the teams get before the game itself.

On Tuesday the Ducks mad a trip to Disneyland and some took a ride on Space Mountain. I would assume that most enjoyed it, but based on this photo, running back LaMichael James didn’t share the same enthusiam as others on the ride.

At my advanced age I stay away from roller coasters but I’ve never had this kind of reaction.

Oregon’s Cliff Harris In The Fast And The Furious

14 Jun

Here’s another story involving an Oregon Ducks football player.

Star cornerback Cliff Harris was clocked going 118 mph in a 65 mph zone with a suspended license by Oregon State Police. Harris, who was driving a rented 2011 Nissan Altima, was cited for driving while suspended and exceeding the speed limit in excess of 100 mph. Two other teammates were in the car with Harris but weren’t cited for anything.

Harris, who will be a junior next season, was spotted at 4:32 a.m. by an off-duty officer, who contacted a trooper patrolling the area, according to a statement from the OSP.

Harris wasn’t drunk and no one was hurt. That was the best news that came out of this story.

Oregon needs to be careful before the NCAA starts sniffing around wondering where players are getting rentals cars from. Of course coach Chip Kelly is disappointed.

“We are obviously very disappointed in the lack of judgment exercised by Cliff and feel it’s unacceptable,” Oregon head football coach Chip Kelly said in a statement issued Monday afternoon. “I’ve said from the beginning that it should be a privilege to play football at the University of Oregon. With that said, individuals must bear the responsibilities for their own behavior. Once we have finished collecting all the information in this situation, we will determine the appropriate action.”

If the Ducks aren’t careful Kelly will have more disappointment than speeding tickets.



Oregon Freshman Linebacker Ran Down By Bicycle Cops

30 May

I don’t knock police officers for doing their job and upholding the law. Personally it is kind of comical when you see officers on their bikes making sure justice is served. What’s more funny is a college football player being ran down by the cops on their bikes. I don’t mean motorcycles either my friends.

Now out of the Pacific Blue files comes this. 

According to multiple reports, freshman linebacker Tyson Coleman was arrested late Saturday night and charged with a minor being in possession of alcohol and interfering with police officers. The Eugene Register-Guard has the pertinent details.

Coleman, 18, was walking near campus with a can of the alcoholic energy drink Four Loko when he was spotted by officers at the intersection of 16th & Patterson on Saturday at about 11:15 p.m. A report of the incident said the can appeared to be unopened, an EPD spokeswoman said.

When questioned by the officers, who were on bicycles, Coleman said he was 21 but could not produce identification. Coleman then threw the can and ran off; it took the officers a “considerable time” to chase him down, the spokeswoman said, during which Coleman repeatedly glanced back to see if they were still in pursuit.

Not trying to be funny but maybe if he had a better 40 time he would have been able to evade the cops and could have gotten away and we wouldn’t have heard about this… Speed drills in the off season for all underclassmen!

In all seriousness, it’s not a major crime and it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Coleman shouuld be made to got to alcohol abuse classes and get some kind of suspension. Another thing that gets me is why did he run? he would’ve got the same ticket that he got if he didn’t run. Hopefully Coleman will learn and grow from this mistake.

Oregon, Auburn Unveil Uniform Wrinkles

15 Dec

Oregon and Auburn will both have some fancy new duds to trot out for the BCS championship game.

Auburn will be going with new cleats designed by Underamour.

Oregon will be going with something a little more familiar, except for the socks.

As you can see, around the numbers is a brighter green. Just like those loud socks.

Uniforms won’t make a difference. just ask the Cincinnati Bearcats when they strolled out in the storm trooper outfits for last year’s Sugar Bowl against Florida.

I don’t think they’ve worn those again after the beatdown the Gators put on them.

Straight Hooliganism

25 Nov

University of Arizona football fans reacted like English soccer hooligans after losing to Oregon in overtime.Thier actions also went on during the game as they threw objects at the Oregon cheerleaders after the Ducks scored and raced around with their flag.Some people can’t conduct themselves and shouldn’t be able to go the games if this is how they react to losses.Its like Michigan State fans after they lost to duke in the Final Four,as they rioted and burned couches after the loss.An Oregon cheerleader was injured during this display of childish behavior and classlessness.They should be ashamed and embarrased.


Ducks Clipped

8 Nov

The Oregon Ducks came into Stanford Stadium flying high and were cut down by the Stanford Cardinal 51-42.Oregon, fresh off a four touchdown shellacking of USC,and looking like a team no one wanted a piece of, were outplayed and dominated from the start. Once looking like a team that with a little luck,had an outside shot to play for a national championship now has to settle for a possible Rose Bowl berth. Thing is, they have to win out.Considering the wacky nature of the Pac-10 conference it’s not a given.