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Justin Blackmon arrested on aggravated DUI charge

3 Jun

Jacksonville Jaguars rookie and former Oklahoma State standout, Justin Blackmon, was arrested on a complaint of aggravated DUI early Sunday in Stillwater, according to the Payne County Jail.

Blackmon was booked into jail about 10 a.m. The details are scarce right now.

According to Oklahoma law, an aggravated DUI is when one’s blood alcohol content is .15 or greater. This is Blackmon’s second alcohol related arrest in three years. He was nailed in Carrollton,Texas after attending a Monday night game in Dallas in October 2010.

Blackmon has yet to sign a contract with the Jaguars as negotiations have started two weeks ago.

That explains why he was hanging out in Stillwater.  

Will Brandon Weeden Succeed At The NFL Level?

15 Jan

From now until April there will be lots of jockeying for players in this spring’s NFL Draft. There is one player that has me a bit curious. Oklahoma State quarterback Brandon Weeden. I’m no scout or have any knowledge about what teams look for in a quarterback. I think Weeden would be worth the risk to take a first day flier on.

He will get knocked down a peg or two because of his age. He’s 28, pitched in the New York Yankees farm system for five years (he was a second round pick in 2002) before coming back to college. The question is, is he more Chris Weinke that Roger Staubach.

I think his age and maturity will help him adjust to the pro game. Whether he’ll be able to adjust to the speed of the game is a different story. He has the arm, mobility, and can make the throws. He did have his moments where he forced things that got him in trouble (see Iowa State game). He did have good receivers to throw to (thanks Justin Blackmon) that could’ve made him look better than he really is.

Another knock on him is that he played in a shotgun spread offense. The same knock that killed Texas tech quarterbacks coming out of college. I think he can overcome that if given a chance and play in a pro style system.

“The biggest concern that will build momentum leading into the 2012 NFL Draft for Brandon Weeden, undoubtedly will be his age. As a 28 year old, a perceived inability to develop, and limited upside bring reason to doubt Weeden’s long term success. Some have even gone as far to say he can only be a one-contract player. With a relatively poor track record of minor league baseball players in the NFL, ranging from Chris Weinke to Drew Henson, it is easy to dismiss Weeden’s pro potential.

I think Weeden will be a third round pick at best. He could slide up to the seond round if he has a killer combine and pro day. Maybe he hit his ceiling in college and it gets no better for him. I do think he could wind up going to a quarterback starved team such as the Washington Redskins, Miami Dolphins, or Seattle Seahawks. If he gets into a savior type situation it won’t be good for him.


Blackmon, Weeden Staying At Oklahoma State

12 Jan

Mike Gundy has to be a happy mn right about now. News is that wide receiver Justin Blackmon and quarterback Brandon Weeden will be returning to Oklahoma State next season. Blackmon and Weeden made their announcement at a joint news conference.

Blackmon was an All-American this season and would’ve been one of the higher rated receivers in this yeas NFL draft. Weeden was a bit of a surprise since he’s older (he’ll be 28 in October) , due to a minor league baseball stint in the New York Yankees, Kansas City Royals, and Los Angeles Dodgers systems. I figured he might try to make a go of it.

Even though the Cowboys play in the always tough Big 12 South, they will be among the favorites to wn the conference.