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Asomugha Planning For Life After Football

27 Jul

Free Agent cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha will be the most sought after free agent when the spending frenzy begins. There might be one small nugget that could limit his suitors. Asomugha wants to be an actor when his playing days are over.

“You keep hearing that Nnamdi wants to go somewhere where he can begin to focus on his post-player career — even though he’ll give his all as he’s playing — and he has a great interest in being an actor,” ESPN’s Chris Mortensen said Tuesday on ESPN’s “Mike & Mike Show.”

Well, Nnamdi’s going all O.J. Simpson on us. You know how it is everyone that’s not an actor wants to try their hand at it. He’ll definitely have to give his all given the amount of money he’ll be making. Word is that the New York Jets might be moving to the top of the list given the large media market there.

This is something to keep an eye on, but my gut says he lands with the Philadelphia Eagles.    

Lions May Pursue Nnamdi Asomugha

5 May cites various of reports saying that the Lions will go hard after free agent CB Nnamdi Asomugha.

Here is an excerpt from that article…

Some reports say the Lions will go hard after free-agent CB Nnamdi Asomugha to fill the need for a starter opposite Chris Houston, but the team naturally will have lots of competitors for his services and might not be able to match the financial package Asomugha could be seeking.

This all comes after the Lions failed to address some pretty considerable needs in the secondary during this years draft. In the second round the Lions opted to go offense drafting Boise State WR Titus Young and Illinois RB Mikel LeShoure.

Now there are two potential huge hurdles that could prevent the Lions from signing Asomugha. First Asomugha will demand a huge contract on the open market. So big that it may be out of the Lions’ price range or prevent them from addressing other needs on their roster. The excerpt in a way touched on this. Second is there is no guarantee that we will have free agency going into next season. Lions fans need to keep in mind the NFL lockout and ongoing CBA negotiations that could end up changing the landscape of the entire NFL in terms of trades, contracts and free agency. It is because of that reason alone that it was important the Lions do everything they could to take care of their needs via the draft which they obviously didn’t do.
