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Siena to give Derek Jeter an honorary degree

17 Apr

It will be a special moment at Siena University on May 13. That is their day of commencement and New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter will receive an honorary doctorate.  

Siena says it chose to give the degree to Jeter “in recognition of his leadership, accomplishments on the baseball field and dedication to improving the lives of young people through his Turn 2 Foundation.”

In a statement, Jeter says he’s humbled by Siena’s move, adding he “will cherish this degree as highly as any honor I have received or will receive.”

Jeter won’t be able to make the ceremony since the Yankees will be playing the Seattle Mariners, but he will have a video message played. His sister, Sharlee, will be there to accept the degree for him.

Does that mean we’ll have to call him Dr. Jeter?

Millwood Opts Out Of Yankees Deal

1 May

I guess Kevin Millwood didn’t have the patience to stay with the New York Yankees. He officially opted out of his deal that kept him in the minors. Millwood’s minor league deal called for an opt out if he wasn’t called up from the minors by May 1. That day has came and he’s gone.

Millwood is now a free agent and I know of a couple of teams that could use his services,even though he lasted only two innings in his last start.

Millwood went 2-1 with a 4.50 ERA in three starts at Double-A Trenton and Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.

Millwood isn’t the greatest thing going, but he should be signed by someone before long.

I Can’t Feel Sorry For The Yankees

15 Dec

The New York Yankees have been very quiet during free agency. They’ve signed no marquee players or made any blockbuster trades. News of the Philadelphia Phillies signing Cliff Lee was a big surprise to a lot. Including the Texas Rangers and New York Yankees.

The Yankees money couldn’t get him to the Big Apple. They practically offered him the world (money and 7 years)and he went back to Philly. The only player the Yankees could get was L.A. Dodgers catcher Russell Martin. Big deal huh?

I guess Lee really never wanted to leave Philadelphia and now he gets to go back and possibly make another World Series trip. Meanwhile the Yankees have C.C. Sabathia and not much else behind him in the rotation. It’s hard to feel sorry for them not getting their man, but personally I love it. I’m glad their money can’t buy everyone. Now they might fall back to the pack a little. I wish I could say the same about the Red Sox, so we won’t have to watch those “epic” Yankees/Red Sox matchups every time a national game comes on. 

The Blame Game

26 Oct
New York Yankees pitching coach,well former pitching coach Dave Eiland was given the ax. General manager Brian Cashman didn’t give any reason except that it was private. What,did Eiland screw his wife or something? He insists that it had nothing to do with the performance in the ALCS against the Texas Rangers. Sure B, and an alcoholic doesn’t go to the store for liquor. Any pitcher they trotted out was bombed and if it weren’t for some moments of ineptitude they would’ve had an embarassing sweep on their hands. Cashman was the one who signed A.J. Burnett or Javier Vasquez, but someone has to take the blame right?   

Jeffrey Maier Part 2

20 Oct

Good thing this didn’t cost the Rangers the game. They need to go ahead and bury the Yankees. Avoid an epic collapse like game 1 and all eyes will be on Texas in October and November.

Damn Yankees

7 Nov
As much as i can’t stand the New York Yankees, i must give them credit. They spent their money wisely, had the right spare parts and now have captured their 27th world championship. The talent on the team isn’t all homegrown, but the management cares a lot about winning. Although i do believe age will catch up to this current edition of Yankees, their bottomless pit of money will ensure they won’t have a dip in the standings like they had most of the 80s. I hate to say it, the Yankees are here to stay. They’ll continue to outspend everyone, pick off the best talent from the bottom feeders that aren’t able to keep up, and fleece others in trades by overvaluing the talent in the farm system. I would hope that baseball would institute some kind of salary cap to make baseball more competitive. I guess that’s just wishful thinking.

Sabathia is paying off big time

21 Oct

CC Sabathia is finally putting together some big time performances in the postseason.After past failures in the playoffs with the Indians and Brewers, he has shown why the Yankees paid him big money in the offseason.After mowing down the Angels for eight innings in the ALCS in a 10-1 over the Angels, the Yankees are one win away from their first World Series appearance since 2003.Buoyed by an offense that battered starter Scott Kazmir and the other pitchers the Angels put out there in game 4, the Yankees seized the momentum that seemed to swing the Angels’ way after a thrilling 5-4 win in game 3.This was Sabathia’s second win in the ALCS, which was a big money performance and is showing why there was a lot of fuss why the Yankees paid him handsomely in the free agent period.Clearly the best move the Yankees made in the offseason.