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Knicks trying to win by getting older

17 Jul

Why do the Knicks want to get older? Well, because coach Mike Woodson said that older teams have more success in the playoffs than younger teams.  Just look at the Heat this year, with an average age of around 29, beating up on the Thunder who have an average age of 25.  And Boston has done well these past 5 seasons with old dudes.  In the Larry O’Brien Championship Series, aka “The Finals”, the older team wins about 70% of the time.

* Note: Jason Kidd just crashed his car at 2:00 AM in the Hamptons and received a DWI.  Age = smarts.

So with their infinite wisdumb the Knicks (who must think they can compete for a Conference Championship) have taken a very strange route to getting older: by acquiring 3 of the 4 oldest players in the NBA in just a couple of days.  They signed Marcus Camby (39), Jason Kidd (39) and traded for Kurt Thomas (40).

Raymond Felton was the apple of the Knicks trade with Portland which netted Thomas.  Felton is 28 and could be their youngest starter.  A’mare likes Felton because Felton was able to run the show and present him as an MVP candidate (before A’mare got hurt) two seasons ago when they played together. Don’t get me started on how fat Raymond Felton is and how much of a solid defender Jared Jefferies (who they traded for Felton) is.

The Knicks are passing on Lin, who’s 23, because Carmelo said that the three year, $25 million dollar deal that Houston offered him was “ridiculous”.  James Dolan, put down the sexy saxaphone. One thing you definitely want to do is to listen to Carmelo Anthony analyze the value of contracts.  Methinks that Carmelo is protecting his “points = $” ego with that statement.  ‘Melo did average just 16 points with Lin and 28 without.

The Knicks are totally messed up.  Dolan is probably still consulting Isiah Thomas on a daily basis which all bubbles together to create the best terrible reality show in The Association.  At least Knicks fans can defect and become Brooklyn Nets fans now.

And Jeremy Lin, quit being so hurt by the Knicks not matching the heavily backloaded Rockets offer sheet and having to play in Houston.  Sure, Houston isn’t New York and doesn’t compare to the NYC lifestyle but just know that your GM is one of the best in the league, your coach loves to let the PG do his thang and run the show (think: Kyle Lowry last season), the Chinese love Houston because of Yao Ming, and you may be throwing lobs to Dwight Howard come November.  Isn’t the point of playing basketball to make as much money as you can and win a lot?  You can check both of those boxes in Houston.

Jeremy Lin owns Linsanity

31 May

If Jeremy Lin can continue his meteoric rise in the NBA he’ll get paid in more ways than one.

Lin now owns the rights to the term, phrase or whatever you want to call it, “Linsanity”. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office registered the term for Lin after he filed for it in February.

It’s obvious that someone close to Lin was on to something after Lin became the hottest name in the NBA after the New York Knicks put him in the starting lineup. Anyone wishing to use the “Linsanity” term will have to go through Lin or his representatives.a

If he can keep up his stellar play he stands to get paid.

Report: Knicks on Odom’s short list

24 May

No one knows where Lamar Odom will be playing basketball next season. After a tumultuous season with the Dallas Mavericks he’ll more than likely wind up as a free agent since I don’t think Odom could be traded for a bobsled at this particular moment. Odom is still under contract with the Mavericks and he could be traded or waived/bought out.

Despite his one bad season with the Mavericks, Odom will be a highly sought after free agent due to the versatility he can bring to the table. A source close to the situation says that the New York Knicks might be a team on Odom’s short list.

A source with knowledge of Odom’s thinking says the New York Knicks would be “on the top of his list” if the Queens native becomes a free agent.

“Lamar is big on being comfortable,” the source said. “And New York is somewhere he can be comfortable.”

“He wants to find a place where he can end his career, and New York is ideal,” the source said. “He’s won championships in the past and he wants to win another. And to do it there would be great.”

He could go back to the Los Angeles Lakers where he had his best years or to the Miami Heat where he once played and could be sixth man supreme. I don’t see him fitting in with the Knicks since all they do is acquire name players and implode. But a front line of  Odom, Amare Stoudemire, and Tyson Chandler could be pretty good if Carmelo Anthony wants to shift to the two guard spot. So it’s highly unlikely he’ll wind up in New York.

Wherever he lands they’ll probably get the Odom of years past and not the Dallas version which was a bad bill of goods.

Report: J.R. Smith is broke

16 May

Usually when a player is entering free agency the famous quote of “it’s not about the money” is always thrown around. Because it’s always about the money no matter what a player says. For New York Knicks free agent guard J.R. Smith it will be all about the money.

According to reports Smith chose to play with the Knicks instead of the Los Angeles Clippers because the Knicks offered $2.4 million to the Clippers’ $1.4 million. The other part of why is because Smith was “financially broke”.

Smith’s father, Earl, is pushing for J.R. to stay in New York, I guess since it will be the place that will pay him the most money.

A source told ESPN New York that Smith’s father, Earl, is going to make a strong case for his son to stay in New York, but “it’s very clear that the money is the biggest factor with him.”

In fact, when Smith chose the Knicks over the Clippers in mid-February after coming back from China, a source said the Knicks’ higher offer ($2.443 million to the Clippers’ $1.4 million veteran’s minimum) was the deciding factor because he was financially broke. Therefore, Smith will likely opt out and ask for the 20 percent raise. At that point, the ball will be in the Knicks’ court to re-sign Smith, who’s already said publicly that he wants to return next season.

Smith has earned nearly $26 million in the eight years he’s played plus another $3 million from playing in China. He’ll probably go into denial about being broke. If he is it’s pretty sad especially since he’s still playing.

Marbury rips D’Antoni

15 Mar

I guess Mike D’Antoni didn’t win many over in his time as head coach of the New York Knicks. That’s why coaches get fired, add in the fact that he wasn’t winning enough made him more cannon fodder for the critics. But I bet D’Antoni didn’t count on Stephon Marbury jumping on the rip D’Antoni bandwagon. Remember Marbury played for D’Antoni while the two were in Phoenix and New York.

Now Marbury is the last person to rip anyone considering he wasn’t necessarily a winning player while he was in the NBA.  

Marbury went on Twitter to call D’Antoni a coward.

“Coward’s Step down men knock walls down that men like him post up. I told you’ll about that dude but you’ll didn’t listen. #DANPHONY”  

Mighty bold words from someone who once ate Vaseline. Just because D’Antoni couldn’t make things work with Carmelo Anthony and tried to trade him for Deron Williams and failed doesn’t make him a coward. I just call it a failed power play. And just because Marbury could never see eye to eye with D’Antoni doesn’t make him a coward. It’s called a clash of egos.

Jeremy Lin rookie cards are selling high

11 Feb

Jeremy Lin has been the hottest name in the NBA in the past two weeks. Name me one player who’s garnered more interest since the Super Bowl. That’s right Jeremy Lin. With the New York Knicks upstaging Kobe Bryant and the Lakers (Lin had 38 points) last night, Lin’s stock is high.

You know what else is high? The stock on Lin’s rookie card. Lin’s rise is one of epic proportions. No one knows how long it’ll last, but for now enjoy the ride.

From Paniniamerica.comHis name is Jeremy Lin. He plays point guard for the New York Knicks. And in the last 24 hours, his 2010-11 Panini America autographed Rookie Cards have sold for as much as $1,000. Another one sold for $799. Since Tuesday, nearly two dozen have been snagged for at least $200. Non-auto cards are selling at $100 apiece.     

“That’s why people like to collect,” Panini America NBA Brand Manager David Porter said. “You never know when someone like Jeremy Lin is going to have that opportunity to play and prove himself. Less than a week ago, his cards were at the bottom of collectors’ want lists. Now, the chase is on even for his base cards. That’s what makes collecting cards so unpredictable.”

No one saw this coming and if they did I want that person to pick out some lottery numbers for me. Lin is a great story and I’d like to see his meteoric rise continue. It just goes back to what I always say. If you can play, you can play.  

Oakley Not Impressed With The Current Edition Of The Knicks

16 Oct

One of the tough guys from years past, Charles Oakley isn’t afraid to let his opinion known about anything. That would include the current make up of the New York Knicks and how they treated him and Patrick Ewing, Isiah Thomas’ role with the team, and whether Amar’e Stoudemire is the man to lead the Knicks back to the promised land.

While he was in New York to launch his clothing collection at the K1X store in SoHo, he didn’t have too many kind words to say about the Knicks organization.

He doesn’t think too highly of Stoudemire’s game and thinks he’s too West Coast to play in New York.

“Amar’e’s good, he’s good in his way,” Oakley said yesterday at the launch of his clothing collection at K1X’s store in SoHo. “He’s a West Coast player trying to translate to the East Coast. And the longer he plays in the East, the more his body’s gonna get damaged, because he’s got to take a beating now.”

Gotta disagree with Oak here. The East isn’t the physical beast that it was when he played. Also the league is more athletic than it was back then which suits Stoudemire’s game a whole lot better than it would’ve been back in the 80’s and 90’s. The players are more multiskilled than they were back then.It’s an ongoing debate, but you must agree that the players of today are more athletic than years past.

Stoudemire might not be the player to get the Knicks to the promised land but stranger things have happened. I won’t say he is and I won’t say he won’t lead them there, but he did seem to take more of a leadership role on the team when things started going south early in the season.

I do agree with what he said about head coach Mike D’Antoni. The Knicks will tease and excite you, but when it’s time to play halfcourt ball and get grimy, the Knicks fall short. Don’t believe me, watch the first two games of the series against the Boston Celtics and tell me why they lost. They can’t play in the halfcourt.

“I don’t think [it can be successful], but that’s his coaching style,” Oakley said. “They knew when they signed him. … When you go buy a Bentley, you know it’s not a Volkswagen. When they signed him, they knew what they were getting.

“That conversation should be dead, because it’s a West Coast offense playing in a hard-nosed city.

“You always give somebody a chance to prove themselves. I mean, this is his fourth year. He’s had a lot of time. … I think it’s just more half-court offense, and they need the big, tough guy. He don’t want to play that way, but finesse, it’s not gonna work.”

“I mean, they’ve got hype,” he said. “But hype don’t win nothing.”

That should’ve been known when the Phoenix Suns couldn’t get past the Spurs when D’Antoni coached them. Run and gun doesn’t win in playoff time. Check and see how many titles Doug Moe won when he was coaching.

About the Knicks organization as a whole, he still has love for them but feels disrespected by them for not offering him a job in any capacity.

“[The Knicks] don’t want nothing to do with me,” said Oakley, who played for the Knicks from 1988-98. “I don’t know why. I tried to deal with them on several occasions. I’m not gonna keep trying.

“They don’t like Patrick, either. They won’t give Patrick a job, so I know they won’t give me a job. Patrick should have a job before anyone. He’s probably the best guy since [Walt] Frazier, [Earl] Monroe … he’s the main guy on the list.”

“My door is always open to the Knicks,” he said. “I tell them all the time. They said something about I told LeBron to go to Miami. I was like, ‘You all have to be one of the craziest organizations in the world.’

“Y’all should have tried to call me and talk to me, and maybe we could have gotten LeBron to New York. You went to Isiah [Thomas], and some of these other guys that don’t know the guy.”

True indeed. Patrick Ewing shouldn’t have to go anywhere else to be an assistant or have his name mentioned with other coaching jobs. As for Oakley, I don’t think anyone would be asking you to court free agents for their team anytime soon, considering your disdain for today’s players.

Last but not least was the aforementioned Isiah Thomas. He doesn’t like him and I doubt he ever will. Oakley gave him a piece of his mind since he happened to bring him up.

“I don’t understand how he even got a job with management,” said Oakley, 47. “He had nothing to do with the Knicks, then he talked bad about the Knicks … If I see him, he’d better turn around and go the other way.”

Well Charles, last time I checked Isiah Thomas never ran from anyone and never will. He was one of the toughest “little guys” to ever play the game, and considering his track record I don’t think he’d be turning the othere way when he saw you. He still has that Chicago swagger in him and won’t back down from anyone.

Bonzi Wells Trying For A Comeback

12 Jun

The New York Knicks have a void at shooting guard that needs to be filled. Right now it looks like they’re grasping for straws. The Knicks had a two day free agent tryout camp that ended yesterday which drew 17 players that auditioned for a possible spot with the NBA team.

One player that seemed to stand out was former Portland Trailblazers guard Bonzi Wells. Yes that Bonzi Wells that was forgotten by many since the New Orleans Hornets cut him back in 2008. Personally, I thought he just stopped playing since then. Well he did “retire” in 2009 after playing in China and Spain. The former Ball State standout was back home in Muncie, Indiana before the playing bug bit him in the rear.

“I had a great camp,” said Wells, a former Ball State standout and Central graduate. “I’m a 34-year-old guy and I got up and down the court excellent. I shot the ball great. I played pretty good defense. I did the best I could to keep those little 20-year-old guys in front of me.”

Wells has been coaching AAU and I guess staying in shape. The Knicks are considering bring in Wells for a tryout. Signing him may be a different story. There is a possible lockout looming ahead so that might derail Wells’ comeback. Either that or thoughts about his perceived attitude problems in the past. Wells is trying to change people’s minds about those thoughts.

“With the interview process, they kind of ask you what you’ve been doing,” Wells said. “I just told them, ‘I’ve been playing with the local Y for the last couple years and I’ve been coaching AAU, so that’s been my life the last couple years.’ I just stayed straight forward and was very honest. Hopefully they understood my sincerity.

“(D’Antoni) said, ‘I remember how young you were, and I thought you were a good guy. You were just in a bad situation, and I’m glad you’re at this point in your life.’ It makes you feel good when guys understand, because they’ve been 23 or 24 before. They know what it’s like to grow up and they see my maturity.”

 Good luck on this venture Bonzi.


D’Antoni Is A Bad Late Game Coach

22 Apr

New York Knicks head man Mike D’Antoni is not a bad coach. Not by any means. He can get your team to the playoffs, rack up plenty of wins in the regular season, and plays an exciting style of basketball. His only problem is that he’s a bad late game coach.

Watching the Knicks melt down in the first two games in the Eastern Conference playoffs against the Boston Celtics reminded me of when he was coaching the Phoenix Suns. Suns fans probably know what I’m talking about and were probably having flashbacks watching the Knicks give away the first two games to the Celtics.

For all the flash the Suns had, they constantly found ways to lose to the Spurs, among others, in the playoffs. The Suns were always there in the end but found ways to lose it. Credit D’Antoni for that. He wasn’t the greatest late game tactician. That flaw reared it’s ugly head in games 1 and 2.

In game 1 Amare’ Stoudamire was punishing Kevin Garnett in the fourth quarter, but for some reason he didn’t see the ball down the stretch. Now if Stoudamire is the hot hand you keep going to it, don’t you? I know I would, but I’m only a Playstation coach so how would I know. All plays should’ve been ran through Stoudamire, save for Toney Douglas’ three pointer. Then you let Carmelo Anthony settle for a 30 footer for the last shot. Take your chances for overtime. I didn’t watch much of game 2, but I saw enough to come to the realization that D’Antoni doesn’t make the best choices late in the game.

The Knocks will be a force in the Eastern Conference in the years to come, whether D’Antoni will be there to see it through I don’t know. I’m not calling for his job, but the Knicks are destined to become the new age version of the 1980’s Milwaukee Bucks. Win a lot of games, but won’t win big in the playoffs.    

Walsh Is Being Undermined In New York

24 Feb

I’m late to the party on the Carmelo Anthony trade, but I still have a little something to say about it.

For starters, I think the Knicks gave up entirely too much in this deal. Don’t get me wrong it’s a tremendous trade, but it doesn’t make New York an instant contender and they up some quality depth to get him. Wilson Chandler and Danilo Gallinari aren’t in the same class as Anthony, but they were rounding into solid players. I mentioned in another post that I would’ve called everyone’s bluff and waited it out an got Anthony as a free agent since he was pushing so hard to get to New York. I wasn’t sold that he would resign with New Jersey or anywhere else. If Denver traded him anywhere except New York and he didn’t resign, then oh well. Play your chips in the free agent market and use the remaining players to fill another hole. I firmly believe the Knicks could’ve had him for nothing.

The primary reason why the Knicks felt like the had to have Anthony now is because of owner James Dolan. I believe GM Donnie Walsh didn’t want to make the trade because he didn’t want to gut the team in the process of making the trade. But Dolan undermined Walsh in the decision making process. And now Isiah Thomas comes out and takes partial credit for the trade. Call me nuts, but Thomas may be right. I don’t believe Thomas seduced Anthony to New York, but Thomas still has Dolan’s ear and Dolan listened. How in the world do you fire a guy and want to hire him back, albeit a consultant. The Knicks have a man in Walsh who knows what he’s doing and are undermining his efforts to build the team. If I’m Walsh I bail out after the season so Dolan can have his lovefest with Thomas, because if Dolan doesn’t listen to him now he never will. I almost feel sorry for him since he was brought there to put the Knicks back together, but now no one will listen to him.

It was a nice deal but it has Dolan’s and Thomas’s fingerprints all over it.