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Von Miller predicts that Tebow will start in New York

17 Apr

Von Miller of the Denver Broncos is now in the prediction business. And he’s speaking up for former teammate and current New York Jet, Tim Tebow.

Miller was one of Tebow’s biggest supporters last season and thinks that he’ll eventually take the starting quarterback job from the incumbent starter, Mark Sanchez.

Miller said: ”I think everybody’s mistaken if you think he’s just going to go over there and be a wildcat quarterback or a situational quarterback. The Tebow that I know is going … to be able to compete for that starting job.”   

If Sanchez gets off to a slow start, he should definitely be looking over his shoulder because the fans will be calling for Tebow should he falter.

Cromartie nixes reality show for his "baby mamas"

15 Apr

After the birth of his 10th child, New York Jets corner Antonio Cromartie is just one short of fielding an offensive/defensive unit.

The birth of Jagger represents his second with his wife Terricka. Now a TV production company wants a piece of the action. There was a proposal to create a reality show about “about the clan trying to co-exist as a modern family,” a source told The New York Post.

Cromartie has deflected the plan, blocking any filming of his offspring.

The single women can use the extra money to help raise their kids, but they also think it’s important “to document their journey,” the source said. “They want Antonio’s support.”

I can understand why he wouldn’t want any part of the show. It would turn into a half hour or more of Antonio bashing. As long as he keeps up on his child support then everything should be ok. I understand that they all want each other to know who their siblings are, but I feel there’s a better way to do that other than a reality show.

Drew Stanton wants out of New York

23 Mar

When former Detroit Lions quarterback Drew Stanton signed with the New York Jets, he signed there with the knowledge that he would be the number two quarterback behind starter Mark Sanchez. But the Jets went out and traded for Tim Tebow and now his backup status is in doubt and Stanton wants out of New York.

Stanton passed over other teams and more money to sign with the Jets and now he feels screwed. The Jets are trying to accommodate Stanton by seeking out a trade for the disgruntled third stringer.

“When we signed Drew, obviously this (trading for Tebow) was not contemplated in that decision,” Jets general manager Mike Tannenbaum told the newspaper on Wednesday. “When you get an unexpected opportunity to add a player like Tim, you have to take advantage of that.”  

If I’m Stanton I’d just wait on getting released. Not that he is a bad player, it’s just that there is hardly a trade market for him. But hey we said the same thing about Tebow.

Cromartie doesn’t want Tebow with the Jets

21 Mar

With Peyton Manning signing with the Denver Broncos, everyone figures Tim Tebow will be useless. So everyone is in a haste to trade Tebow. I wouldn’t but I’ll save that for later. The frontrunners in the Tebow derby are the New York Jets and Jacksonville Jaguars. I’m sure new offensive coordinator Tony Sparano could develop a package of plays for Tebow and the Jaguars probably could sell more tickets and jerseys.

There is one Jet that doesn’t want Tebow with the Jets. The outspoken Antonio Cromartie. Cromartie says the Jets don’t need Tebow and they should let him go elsewhere.

“We don’t need Tebow,” Cromartie wrote on his Twitter account. “We sell out every home game, let him go to Jacksonville, Tampa or Miami. Out wildcat offensve can (be) run by (Jeremy) Kerley or Joe McKnight. We straight.”

At least Cromartie is showing support for other teammates. But he’s not in the front office and they are the ones that call the shots. Also if I’m the Broncos I might be in no hurry to trade Tebow. I know he’s not the greatest quarterback, but maybe, just maybe he could watch and learn under Manning and be a better player because of it. Also, what if Manning gets hurt because his neck isn’t right? Then you’re back to ground zero. Unless John Elway already has a plan for the draft and free agency for a backup.   

Sanchez calls ‘unnamed teammates’ gutless

16 Mar

After the New York Jets failed to match expectations they brought upon themselves, there were many that pointed fingers at quarterback Mark Sanchez.

There was a report about unnamed teammates being very critical of Sanchez and now Sanchez has finally spoke up for himself.

Sanchez called the “unnamed teammates” gutless since they couldn’t put their name to the comments.  

“It is a gutless thing to do,” he said. If you’re not going to put your name on something, why waste anybody’s time? Obviously, they had strong opinions about it, but not strong enough to say who they were.” 

That’s kind of like the “unnamed sources” when breaking news comes out.

Sanchez did own up to some of the blame, but all of the Jets should look in the mirror, because all of them underperformed this year. Sure, the quarterback most of the time is the face of the franchise, but that doesn’t mean he should shoulder all the blame when things go wrong. If Sanchez passes for 500 yards and 5 touchdowns a game and you lose I’m sure it wouldn’t be his fault.

Rex Ryan has let the genie out of the bottle and needs to get this locker room back under control.

Tony Sparano Is The Jets’ New Offensive Coordinator

11 Jan

Brian Schottenheimer was fired or resigned, as the offensive coordinator of the New York Jets. I guess it depends on who you ask. Reports say the Jets moved quickly to hire Schottenheimer’s replacement. Former Miami Dolphins head coach, Tony Sparano will be named the offensive coordinator for next season.

I don’t like this hire at all. I’m not a Jets fan for the fact their offense is boring. I know you have to win with defense and some ball control, but their offense wasn’t that good and quarterback Mark Sanchez regressed. Sparano called plays for the Dallas Cowboys in 2006, but made his name as an offensive line coach. It looks like the Jets will be ground and pound. Not saying Sparano can’t do the job, it just seems a little suspect to me.

The Jets scored a mere 50 points over the last three games. I don’t see things getting any better than that.

UCLA Hires Former Jets Sideline Tripper

11 Jan

Former New York Jets assistant coach, Sal Alosi, is known best for his role in ‘Tripgate’. Let me refresh you on the incident in case you forgot.

During a game against the Miami Dolphins in December 2010, Alosi intentionally tripped the Dolphins’ Nolan Carroll while he was running down the Jets sideline on a special teams play. He also instructed inactive players to  make a wall along the sideline. That was his ultimate undoing. he was soon fired over the infraction.

Since then Alosi has been working as a personal trainer and probably waiting for another shot at a coaching job. That time has come for Alosi.

Alosi was hired to be UCLA’s strength and conditioning coordinator. I suppsose he should be there for a while unless he pulls some of the chicanery that he did while with the Jets.        

Former Jet Kris Jenkins Flames Mark Sanchez

6 Jan

It’s playoff time in the NFL and it seems the New York Jets are stealing all the headlines. First it was their ugly ouster from playoff contention, followed by backup Greg McElroy saying the locker room was corrupt and Erik Ainge’s reply. Don’t forget Bart Scott was fined $10,000 for flipping off a cameraman. All Jets all the time.

Retired player Kris Jenkins was a member of the Jets during the 2009 and 2010 seasons, which were Mark Sanchez’s first two years in the league. He also had an opinion about the McElroy comments which ended up with Jenkins blasting Sanchez.

“The No. 1 quarterback should have said that a long time ago,” Jenkins said. “It would have been all part of the process of him growing a pair and standing up and being a man. But the thing is, he lost his because he got caught up in the wash that is New York, the spotlight, taking pictures in the magazines and doing all that stuff. That’s just what everybody has seen with Mark Sanchez, they got tired of it.”

“Mark wants to be a leader but there’s a difference between wanting it and taking it,” Jenkins said. “He’s always trying to be a crowd pleaser. He’s always trying to be nice. He wants to be a leader but he won’t take it.”

Sounds like the Jets have another Joe Namath on their hands. I know, Namath did win a Super Bowl and is a Hall of Famer. But his stats weren’t that great. Remember Namath was known in New York for his “good looks” and being in the New York limelight.

Sanchez is no ‘Broadway Joe’, but the off field parallels are the same.

Norv’s Reply

20 Oct

Rex Ryan told the press that he would have two rings if he would’ve been named coach of the San Diego Chargers in 2007. We all know hindsight is 20/20 and Ryan might’ve been the man to get the job done in San Diego.

The man who coached the Chargers, Norv Turner, had a reply for Ryan after he called and apologized for his “mistaken” comments.

“It really was between he and I. I think we’ve had enough coaching drama in the league the last few days and we don’t need any more,” Turner said.

“I hadn’t seen his quote and I was a little bit surprised by the call,” Turner said. “And then after I saw the quote, I didn’t have a chance to ask him this, but I was wondering if he had those rings with the ones he’s guaranteed the last couple of years.”

That’s what long suffering Jets fans are asking.


Rex Ryan Is Full Of Himself

19 Oct

It’s old news that New York Jets head coach Rex Ryan is full of bluster. Normally he’s talking up his team and predicting Super Bowl wins. Now he’s crsoosed the line.

With the Jets getting ready for a key AFC matchup against the San Diego Chargers, Ryan thought it would be a good idea to open his trap and stir up the hornets nest again.

Ryan said that if he were hired by the Chargers back in 2007, he’d have a couple of Super Bowl rings.

“Well, I think I would have had a couple rings,” Ryan told San Diego reporters today when asked about how things would have unfolded if he were hired by GM A.J. Smith. “I’m telling you, those teams were loaded. There’s no question about it. But things happen for a reason. Obviously, Norv Turner has done a great job there. And A.J. (Smith) and everybody. That’s a great franchise. He was probably the best guy for the job at that time.”

Now that is a slap in the face. I know he tried to cover for it at the end of the quote, but the indictment he levied against Norv Turner was that he’s not a good enough coach to lead a team to a Super Bowl. Now I think that Turner isn’t the greatest coach in the world, but let the fans spit that knid of venom.

Of course Ryan said the comments were a “testament to what the Chargers have built” and not a slight against Turner and made a call to Turner to clarify his statement.

Rex knew he was in deep and needed to clear it up. He needs to concentrate on his own team and live up to the expectations that he has bestowed upon them. Yes Rex it’s time to deliver a championship that you’ve benn promising the past two years.