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Suh puts in a good word for incoming Nebraska basketball coach

25 Mar

The Nebraska Cornhuskers ended their search for a basketball coach when they hired Tim Miles from Colorado State. Miles led the Rams to their first NCAA tournament since 1998 and would’ve been considered a favorite for the Mountain West title next season.

Miles will now head up a rebuilding job in Lincoln. Athletic director Tom Osborne was impressed by the way Miles has built programs at his previous stops. But it helps when you have former players of the football program  helping you get the job.

Detroit Lions defensive tackle, Ndamukong Suh reportedly was one of three Nebraska supporters that recommended Miles for the job.

Miles said he and Suh have a mutual friend who put them contact this week.

Osborne joked (we think) that he wasn’t about to ignore the Detroit Lions defensive tackle’s recommendation.

“When Ndamukong calls, I always listen. And if I don’t listen,” Osborne told the Omaha World Herald, “he’ll break my neck.”

I guess when you donate $2.6 million back to your alma mater, that your opinions on who gets hired around there matters.

Ndamukong Suh Says Players Respect How He Plays

14 Jan

The 2011-2012 NFL season was a disappointing one for Detroit Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh. Well at least for many fans and experts. He might tell you that he had a pretty good season.

After a dominating rookie season, the whispers started that Suh was a dirty player. I always thought he played hard, had an edge, but wasn’t dirty. When you’re so much stronger than the player across from you,a routine play can look like he’s brutalizing someone. There was a poll taken duirng the season amongst NFL players and Suh was voted the dirtiest in the game. Suh also believes he’s one of the most respected.

In an interview with NFL magazine, Suh said that many would like to be on his side.

“The players who said I am the dirtiest player in the league, it’s ultimately their opinion, but I would love to hear from many of them on their true opinion on that,” Suh said. “A lot of players have told me they see me as a protector of my teammates, that, side by side, I’m there when something goes down, and I step up beside them and for them when things get nasty. I play the game hard, and I play it physical.”

The dirty tag will stick with him until further notice. The fact that none of his teammates really had his back when he made the stomp on Green Bay’s Evan Dietrich-Smith on Thanksgiving didn’t help his cause.

Maybe the opinions of two Hall of Famers could help him out. Richard Dent and Bruce Smith both said that they like the way Suh plays.

Hall of Famer Bruce Smith said he showed his son Alston, a high school defensive tackle who recently committed to Virginia Tech, a tape of Suh to demonstrate the right way to play the position. And Hall of Famer Richard Dent said he likes what Suh does — he just thinks Suh needs to learn how to channel his rage.

“Be smarter, get the next play, take your game to the next level,” Dent said. “Suh has to let his work be his message. Control that anger. You embarrass the guy in front of you with your play, you kick his ass that way, that’s the greatest response.”

I won’t call him dirty just yet, but if he has more incidents like the Thanksgiving stomp, he’ll wear the tag forever.



Evans Thinks Suh Is A Dirty Player

7 Jan

And the claims that Ndamukong Suh is a ‘dirty’ player continue to emerge as we are now on the eve of the Lions first playoff game since the 1999 season.

The latest claim has come from New Orleans Saints; Pro Bowl guard Jahri Evans who says Suh is a dirty player after the whistle.

“I think some things he does is dirty, after the whistle,” Evans told The Times-Picayune. “He needs to put a cap on that, but he’s a phenomenal player.”

Now this seems pretty consistent with a lot of the other claims that have surfaced during the season. It’s also hard for Lions fans to refute any claim that Suh is a dirty player based off what happened Thanksgiving weekend when Suh stomped on Packers guard Evan Dietrich-Smith.

The trouble though with Evans’ comments is he has never been matched with Suh… ever. So it may be safe to assume that Evans is jumping on a bandwagon rather than finding out for himself. Suh missed the matchup with the Saints earlier this season because of a two game suspension for the aforementioned stomp against the Packers.

This adds an interesting subplot to this game as there were stories coming out of New Orleans that if Suh starts taking any cheap shots at quarterback Drew Brees that they won’t back down from him. It looks like Suh will have a target on his back Saturday night.  

Did Suh Lie About The Accident?

6 Dec

Detroit Lions defensive tackle was involved in a one car accident over the weekend. According to Suh, he crashed his car when he lost control of the 1970 Chevrolet Coupe and crashed into a tree trying to pass a taxicab, according to the original police report. He also said that no one was injured. No citations were issued.

A report has surfaced with two passengers that were in the car saying  Suh lied about the details of the accident.

“When the light turned green, he floored it,” one of the passengers told KGW. “I just remember going so fast and it was violent and just getting thrown around like rag dolls.”

That woman says she suffered a black eye and a busted lip which required stitches. Suh told police no one needed to go to the hospital, but the woman said she asked Suh to call for an ambulance and he refused, telling her she was fine.

Another witness says that Suh was trying to “show off”.

It seems that someone doesn’t have their story straight and somewhere in between lies the truth.

Ndamukong Suh To Participate In Gumball 3000

11 May

When I hear of the Gumball 3000 or Gumball rally, I usually think of something along the lines of “The Cannonball Run”. Detroit Lions defensive tackle, Ndamukong Suh will be participating in the Gumball 3000 to promote a new video game by Ubisoft called “Driver.” 

I for one would not lik Suh to participate in such a race, even though it’s all in fun. That’s just my biased opinion as a Lions fan. On the other side of the coin he does have to make a living since he’s not being paid due to the NFL lockout.

Suh is looking forward to the race.

“Being able to drive at a high speed and not get in trouble for it is great. When it comes to driving on the street, if the speed limit is 65, I might go 73, but in this race I’m going to go as fast as I can while at the same time being safe. My health and my co-pilot’s health is the most important thing to me. One of my good friends who plays for the Colts is going to be in there with me, Cody Glenn, so we’re going to go out there and enjoy it and split the driving duty.”  

Happy trails to those two as they embark on a new challenge. Just keep it safe.

Lions Get Two Pro Bowlers

29 Dec

For once the Detroit Lions have two bonafide Pro Bowlers. It seems like it’s been ages since they’ve had two players go to participate in the annual Hawaii extravanganza. Also it was like any Lions player that went was like a sympathy pick, sort of like baseball’s All Star Game.

Many expected receiver Calvin Johnson to make it. He was named a starter for the NFC squad. Many expected rookie defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh to be good. But not Pro Bowl starter good. That’s what 60 tackles, 9 sacks, an interception, and throw in a fumble recovery for a touchdown will get you. I don’t think anyone expected this kind of impact when training camp started.

As a Lions fan it gets me somewhat excited about the team’s future. Hopefully they can get a few more impact players and translate some of this production into more wins.

Ndamakong Suh- TV Star

24 Jul

I never knew commercias of the big man existed until now.

As a Lions fan, let’s hope this translates to the field.