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TCU Makes A Celebratory T-Shirt

15 Nov

After ending any slight hope that Boise State had at a national title shot, TCU has a t-shirt celebrating their win. I’m sure the players or coach didn’t have anything to do with it, but it’s out there.

This was more of a slap in the face to Boise State and the Mountain West conference after they felt slighted since the MWC decided to move the game to Boise State after TCU announced they were moving to the Big East. The Horned Frogs won the game and will be going to the Big 12 and not the Big East. Also Boise State will be moving to the Big East.

It looks like the Horned Frogs got the last laugh on Boise and the MWC in the end.

Welcome To The WAC Circa 1980

11 Dec

Not that it really matters, but Hawaii is jumping ship from the WAC (Western Athletic Conference) to join the Mountain West in football only starting in the 2012-2013 season. They will join the Big West in all other sports.

Well, I hate to say it but, who cares. The Mountain West lost all credibility when BYU decided to go all Destiny’s Child by going Independent. Then Utah took off to the Pac-10 (or 12). After all that TCU went to the Big Least, er, Big East. The Mountain West did pick up Boise State, Fresno State and Hawaii. Now if the MWC held on to BYU, Utah, and TCU, I would say that the MWC would’ve been major players at the BCS table. I might’ve suggested they drop New Mexico, which would’ve put them at twelve teams. Instead they’ve been kicked back to the kids’ table again. In 2012 here’s how the Mountain West will look:  Boise State, Fresno State, Nevada, Hawaii, Colorado State, San Diego State, UNLV, New Mexico, Wyoming and Air Force.

This looks like how the WAC used to look back in the 1980’s, along with BYU and Utah. It actually resembled an actual conference like the Mountain West. Now the WAC is struggling to maintain, at least football wise, an FBS conference with any shred of relevancy.