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Captain Jack coming full circle

15 Mar

A few days ago Stephen Jackson was traded from the Milwaukee Bucks to the Golden State Warriors. It was a homecoming of sorts as Jackson was going back to Golden State. Now a few days after that it looks like Jackson’s career is coming full circle. The San Antonio Spurs are trading small forward Richard Jefferson for the volatile Jackson. Golden State will also receive a first round pick in the deal.

In a bland Spurs locker room Jackson has bee described as the ultimate teammate by Tim Duncan. I guess that can carry some weight since Jackson has worn out his welcome in lots of places since his first stint in San Antonio. With Manu Ginobili not being at full strength, this could turn out to be a coup for the Spurs as Jackson always states that he just wants to win.  

Captain Jack Says The Bobcats Shut Him Down

1 Jul

The biggest deal of the NBA offseason so far has been the draft day deal that sent Stephen Jackson  from Charlotte to Milwaukee. That nay be the biggest for a while since the NBA will be heading for a lockout.

The question I asked myself when this trade was made was, why does Jackson keep getting traded to these middling teams? Nothing against the Bucks, but they aren’t going to win a title or contend for one anytime soon.  

Jackson doesn’t seem fazed by getting traded to Milwaukee. He says he’s surprised by the city and had some words, not hateful, for the Bobcats.

“The only perception that I’ve had from other teams is coming to a boring city,” Jackson said. “That’s what they always say. But since I’ve been here, the weather’s been great. I didn’t expect the weather to be so great. When I come, there’s snow everywhere.”

I have a friend who visited Milwaukee and he said it wasn’t that bad, so Jackson may want to explore what they have to offer.

As far as the trade, I feel the Bobcats could’ve gotten more for Jackson. But he’s not bitter or holding any grudges. He just feels that they could’ve made a playoff push last season, but they decided to shut him down and go in a different direction.

“I didn’t want to be on a team where they’re going younger and they want to win three years from now,” Jackson said. “I’ll be at the end of my career. So winning now is important to me, and this is a great place to win now.”

“The last 10 games, I could have played,” Jackson said. “But they shut me down. The team shut me down. So I kind of assumed they didn’t want to make the playoffs.”

I do like Jackson as a player, but he’s not a difference maker. He seems supremely confident in his abilities, which is the confidence you need to play in the NBA. He feels that he can be the player that can make the Bucks a contender in the Eastern Conference.

“I know what I can bring to this team, and I know what it takes to get to the playoffs,” Jackson said.

“For us to win, we have to be all on the same page,” Jackson said. “And I’m pretty sure that coach is going to give me the room to police all that. If guys don’t want to play, you need to let us know that, because you’re not going to be a part of us. And I’m going to make that known.”

The Bucks could be scary if they’re healthy, I’ll say that much. But the unknown dynamic is whether Jackson and coach Scott Skiles will be able to get along. 



Chris Douglas-Roberts Has A Different Perspective About Bin Laden’s Death

2 May

When the death of Osama Bin Laden was announced plenty of Americans took to the streets in celebration. It was for good reason, as our military finally took down the 9/11 mastermind. Milwaukee Bucks forward Chris Douglas-Roberts wasn’t one that was celebrating.

CDR took to Twitter to voice his opinion and it wasn’t well received to say the least.

Is this a celebration?? Is this the beginning of a huge religious war? I hope not. (shaking my head)

It took 919,967 deaths to kill that one guy.It took 10 years & 2 Wars to kill that…guy. It cost us (USA) roughly $1,188,263,000,000 to kill that………..guy. But we #winning though. Haaaa. (Sarcasm)

Since Douglas-Roberts is a basketball player a lot of people think he’s just a dumb jock. And others let him know it. . He was called “stupid”, a “moron” and told to “shut your dumb [expletive] mouth” because he is “not intelligent enough to speak on the subject.” Actually that’s how some people look at it. I’m not taking sides, I’m just going on what I’ve heard from the average American citizen.

Douglas-Roberts went on to clarify his statements.

What I’m sayin has nothing to do with 9/11 or that guy. I still feel bad for the 9/11 families but I feel EQUALLY bad for the war families. Whatever happened to our freedom of speech? That’s the problem. We don’t want to hear anything that isn’t our perspective. People are telling me to get out of America now b/c I’m against MORE INNOCENT people dying everyday? B/c I’m against a 10 year WAR? Same people going nuts on me are the same people saying “bring the troops home”. Right? Right?!

Reading yall’s tweet AT me (pun intended) & shaking my head. This is what I get for not wanting innocent people to die daily. Shame on me. What I’ve learned tonight, athletes shouldn’t have perspectives. But I don’t care. We feel certain ways about things TOO. #FirstAmendment To everybody supporting me, I’m fine. I have very thick skin. How I feel hasn’t changed the least bit.

Anyway, “God bless America”

I can see both points of view here, but CDR does make a lot of sense. It shouldnt’ve taken millions of dollars and thousands of American lives to catch one man. And if you think they’ve only been trying to nail Bin Laden, they’ve been after him since Bill Clinton was in office. It’s just that the government ratcheted up their efforts in the past 10 plus years. I’m celebrating, but in my cynical world I look at this a lot differently than some.

Alvin Robertson is a sick man

27 Feb
Former NBA all star guard Alvin Robertson has been charged with child trafficking,sexual assault of a child,and forcing a sexual performance by a child.Robertson has not yet been apprehended.  
   Robertson,whose NBA career spanned from 1984-1996 was a four time all star,the first NBA most improved player award winner and 1986 defensive player of the year.He played for the San Antonio Spurs,Milwaukee Bucks,Detroit Pistons,and Toronto Raptors.He was a solid all around player and one of the best defensive players of his time. Enough about his playing career.

  Authorities say Robertson was part of a sex ring that kidnapped a 14 year old girl from San Antonio and forced her to have sex with clients and dance at a strip club in Corpus Christi,Texas.Seven people have been charged,that also includes his girlfriend.He’s the only one who hasn’t been arrested.The girl escaped which prompted an investigation.Robertson,is best known in the Detroit area,for attacking,alledgedly choking player personnel director Billy McKinney,while he was a member of the Pistons.In 1997 he was charged with four misdemeanors for abusing a former girlfriend and sentenced to one year in prison.In 1990 he spent a month in jail for beating his then wife.He served that time in the off-season.In January of 2007,he was arrested on a variety of charges related to domestic violence.Now the sex ring operation,alledgedly.You can see the pattern of legal problems,namely domestic violence.If what has came out is true,he needs to be put away.I hate to wish the worse on anyone,but i hope he gets sexed up while he’s locked up.With the legal pattern he’s developed he deserves it.

I’m on the Brandon Jennings train

21 Nov

After another impressive early season performance,I’m officially on the Brandon Jennings train.The flashy,playmaking rookie point guard has made me a believer.The kid can flat out play as evidenced by his 55 point outburst against the Golden State Warriors last weekend.Last night he lit up the Charlotte Bobcats for 29.Those teams are far from the elite in the NBA,but it is against the best the world has to offer and he wasn’t expected to do this.He won’t make the Milwaukee Bucks contenders,but he makes them watchable.
   When he snubbed college for Italy,many were skeptical.It was a trailblazing decision,which had never been done.It seemed everyone predicted failure for Jennings for the fact he was far from home,playing with pros and not getting much playing time.I’ll admit I was also skeptical.Instead its looking like it worked to his advantage.Jennings got a lot more practice time in Italy than he would’ve under the guidelines at Arizona. He didn’t play much,but he used the time as a learning experience.He listened to the coaches instead of pouting and now its all paying off.I don’t advocate this move for all high schoolers.I’m a fan of the college game and would love to se the top players there.But if college isn’t your thing then maybe going overseas might be the best option.Jennings used this to become more acclimated to the pro game and lifestyle,and I’m glad to see he’s doing well.Let’s hope he keeps this up as I see him being one of the more entertaining players in the years to come.