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Miles Austin admits to being out of shape

18 Apr

There wasn’t much of an offseason in the NFL last season due to the lockout. The lockout affected some players but not all as there wasn’t too much of a dropoff in play.

Dallas Cowboys receiver Miles Austin was one of the players the lockout hurt. After coming out of nowhere and piling up back to back 1,000 yard seasons, Austin experienced a decline in production because he battled a nagging hamstring injury. After a disappointing showing Austin admitted that he was out of shape.  

“Right now I’m working with the trainers at our facility,” Austin said during a promotional appearance at a Neiman Marcus store in San Antonio. “I feel like last year I wasn’t prepared for the season the way I should’ve been condition-wise, even though I looked and felt it at the time. That’s one thing that I have to keep an eye on. To make sure I’m in the best physical shape I can be.”

Austin said the injuries are behind him and the hamstrings aren’t an issue. The Cowboys will need him to be at full strength for them to put together a good season.