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I’m Sorry

9 Feb

Too bad there aren’t many professional athletes like the Pittsburgh Penguins’ Mike Rupp. I don’t know him personally but I have to give him some credit for how he repaid a fan.

The Penguins forward was warming up for a game and hit the boards, accidentally knocking over a fan’s beer. Instead of being a jerk he gave the fan a puck and some cash to pay for the beer.

“Mike felt terrible about it, so he asked the trainer to grab $10 out of Rupp’s wallet,” Rupp’s agent Allan Walsh told the Toronto Sun.

“He then wrote an apology on a puck, signed it and taped the $10 bill around it. He went over to the glass, got the guy’s attention and tossed the puck over to him.”

I’m sure Rupp has a fan for life.