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Hemingway calling for a Michigan upset in opener

29 Feb

Many oddsmakers have Michigan as a 13 point underdog in the season opener against Alabama. We all know games are won on the field and not on paper or in Vegas. The Crimson Tide should be the favorites since they are the defending national champion. But it will be a new year so it’s no guarantee the Tide will roll over Michigan.

Former Michigan receiver Junior Hemingway has the utmost confidence in his ex-teammates. In fact he thinks Michigan will pull an upset in the opener.

“They’re going to grind from day one, all the way up to that point,” Hemingway told the Birmingham (Ala.) News about the Michigan-Alabama game. “I already went through it and I know how it is.”

Bold words for someone not playing in the game. 

I’m sure Nick Saban will have Alabama working hard and grinding despite winning a national championship. If  Michigan can field a decent defense they will compete, but it’s hard not to pick Bama in this game.

Hoke says there’s no "Gentleman’s Agreement" in the Big Ten

4 Feb

The Urban Meyer effect is up and running in the Big Ten and a couple of coaches aren’t happy about it.

This past recruiting season the new Ohio State football boss Meyer managed to flip his fair share share of recruits including Mark Dantonio’s top recruit in Se’Von Pittman. The same can be said for Bret Bielema at Wisconsin who lost prized offensive lineman Kyle Dodson on recruiting day to Ohio State.

“(Ohio State has) a new coach, and it’s different,” Dantonio told the Detroit News. “I would say it’s pretty unethical, in the end.”

Bielema echoed those sentiments after losing prized offensive lineman Kyle Dodson to Ohio State on signing day.

“There are a few things that happened early on that I made people aware of that I didn’t want to see in this league, that I had seen take place in other leagues,” Bielema said on Wednesday. “Other recruiting tactics, other recruiting practices that are illegal.

“I was very up front and was very pointed to the fact, actually reached out to Coach Meyer and shared my thoughts and concerns with him. The situation got rectified.”

According to, Bielema told Sporting News that Badgers athletic director Barry Alvarez would be talking to Big Ten commissioner Jim Delaney today in Chicago about Meyer’s tactics.

Now you may be wondering why Bielema and Dantonio are so upset in a conference that’s extremely competitive and takes great pride in their rivalries?

It all boils down to a so-called “gentleman’s agreement” amongst the Big Ten coaches.

Bielema further called Meyer’s recruiting tactics “illegal” in light of the “gentleman’s agreement” which says that no coach in the Big Ten will actively go after a recruit that is already verbally committed to another Big Ten school.

Not all Big Ten coaches though agree on this “gentlemen’s agreement” and on those coaches is Michigan’s Brady Hoke…

“As far as I’ve known, it’s always been fair game until they sign,” said Hoke, who’s been in the league one year as a head coach and seven as an assistant. “I don’t have as much a problem with that and, hopefully, we don’t get too many of those that go away from you.
“But, I don’t think there needs to be an agreement, to be honest with you. Kids are going to be kids. They’re 18 years old, 17 years old. As long as everything has been handled in an ethical manner and professional manner, and by the rules, I don’t have a problem with it.”

Now Hoke hasn’t experienced the same draw backs that Dantonio and Bielema have experienced with recruits flipping to Ohio State. In fact Hoke was able to flip five-star offensive lineman Kyle Kalis from Ohio State prior to Meyer being announced as the new head coach.

Again though in a competitive conference with top notch coaches it should be expected that programs are going to do everything they possibly can to make their teams better. This includes trying to flip rival schools recruits to their own.

In the end a verbal commitment means nothing. Hoke isn’t about making excuses about anything. He knows the game and isn’t going to whine about anything.

Now about those 16 scholarships OSU had open and oversigning at 25 commitments is another story.

Home of Junior Hemingway burglarized

4 Feb

Former Michigan receiver Junior Hemingway having one of the worse moments of his life right now.

The family home in Conway, South Carolina was robbed for the second time in four months. Thieves knocked down the front door and stole nearly $5,000 in goods. That included a large screen television and several of Hemingway’s Michigan mementos, which included his jerseys and bowl rings. his Sugar Bowl MVP trophy was left behind.

“The sad thing is, this stuff just can’t be replaced,” Hemingway father Kenneth Hemingway said.

It’s not the dollar value attached to the crime, it’s the sentimental value of it. Hopefully the people who did this will be brought to justice and the items can be recovered.    

Ohio State Refuses To List Michigan On Its Schedule

3 Feb

When Brady Hoke took over at Michigan he promised to get back to Michigan roots. Part of those roots are the hatred for Ohio State. Hoke never mentioned the Buckeyes by name always referring to them as Ohio.

After an off year by the Buckeyes which Michigan broke the seemingly decade long losing streak to Ohio State, the Bucks decided to go Woody Hayes on Michigan when they made their schedule.

 It’s vintage Michigan vs. Ohio State. Hoke vs. Meyer. The new faces of the best rivalry in the Big Ten.

Denard Robinson Seeks NFL Advice

22 Dec

Michigan quarterback Denard Robinson has asked the NFL Draft advisory board for information on where he would get drafted if he entered the 2012 NFL Draft.

From’s Adam Rittenberg:

I also asked “Shoelace” whether or not he had submitted paperwork to the NFL draft advisory board.

“I did,” Robinson said, “but we’ll see what happens.”

Asked if he’s planning to return to Michigan in 2012, Robinson said, “most likely, yes.”

Breathe easy Michigan fans that doesn’t mean he plans on leaving. He just submitted paperwork to get a feel on where he would land if he decided to leave school. Robinson is one of the most dynamic playmakers in college football today, but right now his skills do not translate to playing quarterback in the NFL.

Cool down Tebow-breath. Just because Tim Tebow’s skills alledgedly did not translate to the league and has done ok doesn’t mean Robinson’s will. For all his playmaking skills, Robinson has a long way to go before he’s thought of as a legitimate NFL quarterback prospect.

Robinson does have a year under his belt in offensive coordinator Al Borges’ pro style system so that should help him as he progresses to the 2012-13 season.

“A year under my belt is going to help me a lot,” Robinson said. “I think I can do some special things next year.”     

Another year will help him, but whether that makes scouts see him more than a slot receiver or return man remains to be seen.

Rodriguez Might Get A Shot At Wolverines

1 Dec

Promises, promises. Alledgedly that’s what newly hired Arizona coach Rich Rodriguez got from Arizona. The promise was that they would give him a shot to beat his former school, Michigan, by scheduling them in three years. I guess that’s how much time Rodriguez will need to get the Wildcats on track.

This comes from Louisiana high school football coach J.T. Curtis.

”My understanding is, in talking to coach Rich Rodriguez, and I was involved in that just a little bit, is that it was a much closer decision than people realize between Tulane and Arizona,” Curtis said. “I know that might not sound right to you but I think Tulane did all they could do to give him an opportunity to come there and a chance to coach, and I think his expression to me was that he felt like he had a better chance to win the national championship at Arizona if he recruited properly. And they promised him they’d put Michigan on the schedule in three years,” Curtis said. “I’m telling you, it was a big deal.”

I don’t know if Rodriguez wants that game by then. Brady Hoke has he Wolverines trending upwards so Rodriguez better get some players in a hurry if he wants a shot at Michigan.


What Is He Thinking?

26 Aug

Recently Appalachian State has been in the news about the football team making a move up the food chain. Now here’s more Appy State news.

Michigan has scheduled them for their 2014 opener for a rematch. Personally this is something the Wolverines should stay away from. We all know what happened last time these two teams met in 2007. 34-32, ball game, thanks for coming.

U-M will pay ASU $850,000 if it’s still an FCS program at the time of the game, or $1 million if it’s in the FBS, an Appalachian State spokesman said. It is a one-game contract.

“We look forward to facing Appalachian State again,” U-M athletic director Dave Brandon said in a released statement.

Really? What will happen if the Mountaineers come back to Ann Arbor and stun the Wolverines again? There might be a suicide watch group on campus.

Appalachian State coach Jerry Moore welcomes the challenge of trying to knock off one of the titans in college football.

“To have the University of Michigan invite us back is the ultimate compliment for us as a program and a University,” ASU coach Jerry Moore said in a released statement. “We’re grateful for the opportunity to have a new generation of players experience a game day at the Big House and to test themselves against college football’s all-time winningest program.”

I’m going to be a homer and hope that the Wolverines fare better than the last time they faced this group of Mountaineers.



Stonum To Be Redshirted For 2011

8 Aug

Michigan wide receiver Darryl Stonum was suspended indefinitely in early May after receiving his second DUI offense. Now Stonum will be redshirted for the 2011 season. This came from head coach Brady Hoke.

Even though Stonum would’ve been in a key contributor for a revamped offense this year, Hoke thought it would be best for Stonum to get his life in order. Now I know all the Michigan State supporters will come out and denounce the decision, but it is what it is. I hear all the howling from East Lansing right now.

Sophomore punter Will Hagerup has been suspended the first four games of the season for undisclosed reasons, and junior receiver Terrence Robinson will miss the season opener Sept. 3 for violating team rules.

This is more than a football decision. Louisville’s Charlie Strong made the same decision regarding one of his own players. This is the first major decision that Hoke has made since he’s set foot in Ann Arbor.

“While it would be great to have Darryl on the field this season, we feel it is in his best interest and the best interest of our program for him to redshirt,” Hoke said in a prepared statement. “Darryl will continue to be an important part of our team and family. He has done everything we have asked him to do, but our number one priority is to help Darryl grow as a person.”

“In order to build a championship-caliber culture, you have to be accountable to each other on and off the field,” Hoke said. “There are expectations at the University of Michigan you must live up to.”

Now we’ll see if the other Wolverines will fall in line after Hoke has finally laid down the law.

Poking Fun At Tressel’s Expense

1 Jun

Since the black cloud appeared at Ohio State and isn’t leaving anytime soon, it’s been real easy for rival fans to poke fun at Jim Tressel.

First there was the billboard along I-94 up here in Michigan, the minor league promotion, and now from is the latest t-shirt for Michigan fans to wear.

I’m a Michigan fan, but let’s get some respect back and some wins over OSU under our belt before we start crowing about anything.  

Lloyd Carr Told Ryan Mallett To Leave Michigan

7 May

Up here in Michigan country, Wolverine fans figured Ryan Mallett to be kind of jerky. But as long as he was going to lead Big Blue to a bunch of wins fans would’ve looked past whatever misgivings he may have had in Ann Arbor. 

Mallett’s stay in Ann Arbor didn’t last long, and what it seemed everyone knew was true. New coach Rich Rodriguez didn’t want Mallett. What no one knew was that outgoing coach Lloyd Carr told Jim Mallett, Ryan’s father, that Mallett should leave.

Jim went into detail about Mallett’s Michigan exit and choice of going to play for Bobby Petrino at Arkansas in a story in the Boston Herald.

“At the Capital One Bowl, we were trying to smooth things out, and we talked to Coach Carr,” Jim Mallett, Ryan’s dad, said. “I asked him, ‘Coach, next to my dad, you’re the classiest person I’ve ever been around. What would you do if Ryan was your son? He said, ‘If I was in that situation, with a different offense, he needs to leave.’ ”

“Ryan’s the one who called (Rich Rod),” Jim Mallett continued. “He said, “Can I talk about the offense?’ And then he told me, ‘Daddy, (Rodriguez) never looked me in the eye.’ He never visited with the family, he didn’t talk to us. I never met the man. But hey, it wasn’t a fit. Let’s move on.”

Bobby Petrino was the polar opposite of Lloyd Carr, who is the warmest, sweetest man,” Debbie Mallett said. “Petrino was all business. That was a turn-off for me. I was used to Coach Carr. I knew Ryan wanted to be there, but I was opposed to Coach Petrino. So, I said, “Get me Brian Brohm’s parents’ phone number (because he played for Petrino at Louisville). So, I explained who I was and said, ‘If you had to do it over again, would you want your son to play for Bobby Petrino?’ (Brohn’s parent) said, ‘Hell, yeah. If you got soft ears, you’ll hear some ugly words. But we were actually pissed he wasn’t staying Atlanta (so Brohn could play for him).’ I said, ‘What else can I say?’ After the season, I wrote (Petrino) a note and said, ‘If any parent wants my phone number, feel free to give it to them.’

We all know how everything turned out. Rodriguez had three uneventful seasons at Michigan, Mallett is going to the NFL, and Carr and Petrino look pretty good in this whole mess.