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Kerr: "LeBron Is More Pippen Than Jordan"

14 Jun

When the Miami Heat vanquished the Chcago Bulls to get to the NBA Finals, Scottie Pippen came out and said that LeBron James would be a greater player than Michael Jordan. It was blasphemous to say the least.

Now that Miami has been whacked by the Dallas Mavericks in the Finals, LeBron’s shortcomings as a player have been exposed, magnified, and picked apart. Former Suns GM and current TNT analyst Steve Kerr did that and then some. In the process he told Pippen that his assessment was dead wrong.

“The irony to me is that LeBron is not Michael. LeBron is actually Scottie,” former Bull and current television analyst Steve Kerr said Monday on “The Waddle & Silvy Show” on ESPN 1000. “He’s so similar to Scottie in that defensively he was just a monster, could guard anybody, really more of a point forward than scoring guard. Scottie always loved to distribute the ball. That’s really where LeBron’s preference is.

“Phil Jackson used to call Scottie a ‘sometimes shooter.’ Sometimes they would go in, sometimes they wouldn’t. That’s how it is with LeBron. He’s a great talent and a great player but you can see his flaws as a basketball player. He doesn’t have an offensive game that he can rely on: no low-post game, no mid-range jump shot so when the game really gets tough he has a hard time finding easy baskets and getting himself going. That’s what Michael did in his sleep so that’s why the comparison is wrong.”

I would say just wait and see until his career plays out. I hate it when we start saying that a player is this and that. How about he reminds me of him. That would be a lot better.

I do agree with Kerr’s point that James does need to work a little more on his game. Most notably his jump shot.

“Michael had three years at North Carolina with Dean Smith. That makes a big difference,” Kerr said. “I think he was brought up at a time when there was probably better development at a young age in terms of coaching. I think LeBron is a product of the AAU system where you rely on your athleticism, you go and play 100 games a year but maybe you don’t focus on your weaknesses and what you need to lock in on.

“As a result, fundamentally and technically LeBron has some flaws. He has to address those. If I were him I would spend all summer down on the low block shooting jump hooks and turnaround jump shots — the entire summer.”

College doesn’t neccessarily benefit everyone, but it could’ve made James more media savvy than what he is.



MJ Goes On The Defensive

26 Feb

No one is handing out any gold medals to Michael Jordan for running an NBA franchise. There was his draft pics of Kwame Brown in Washington and Adam Morrison in Charlotte. His trades have also been questioned in the past, remember the Jerry Stackhouse for Richard Hamilton trade?  The track record isn’t sterling.

With the trade deadline now done and over, Jordan mad a few deals and is being questioned about the trade that sent Gerald Wallace to the Portland Trailblazers for Dante Cunningham, Sean Marks, and Joel Pryzbilla. Jordan says he loves the trade and speaks on the financial flexibility it gives the Bobcats. I can see where he’s coming from since the Bobcats did get a first round pick out of the deal, which now seems like gold. I just don’t like the deal. I just think they could’ve gotten more out of the deal.

The Bobcats aren’t getting a high or even a mid round pick so it’ll be like getting an additional second rounder. Secondly, I don’t like the players they got in return. Jordan is looking towards building for the future, but if I’m a hardcore Bobcats fan do I trust him to build a team. I wouldn’t trust him. But I’m not the one making the deals.

Jordan likes the way the team looks for future manueverability. He says he doesn’t want to be the eighth seed. At least he has ambition. He feels with the moves they made, the Bobcats can be a force in the East. I don’t think that’s gonna happen soon because you need a marquee player or two and I don’t see Charlotte getting any of those soon. I also don’t think players want to be in the owner’s shadow and sitting on the sidelines in their ear game after game. I’ll give Jordan credit for believing he can build a winner in Charlotte.   

Jordan Tabs Oakley For Assistant Job

24 Dec

After Larry Brown “resigned” from the head coaching job with the Charlotte Bobcats, it seemed that it might take a while for someone to take over that shipwreck. When Brown resigned the rest of the staff took off with him. The only person that really wanted the job was Paul Silas, and he got it. He had to round out his coaching staff and owner Michael Jordan helped him out by giving Charles Oakley a job as an assistant coach.

You remember Oakley, Jordan’s chief enforcer/protector when they were both in Chicago. He also was instrumental in bringing him to Washington in his final comeback. He became a partying buddy of his as well. Now he’ll be keeping the players in line from the bench. First golfing buddy and former Bulls teammate Rod Higgins gets a GM job and now this. What’s next Charlie Sheen as the team advisor? This hiring has a whiff of nepotism to it if I ever saw one. Now I would never tell Oak face to face that he doesn’t have the credentials for an assistant coaching job. But when you think about it, does he? Hey who knows, he probably could still whip some of those young bucks. I’d still take Oakley over crazy Captain Jack. And he was a good rebounder and defender, so he might can teach the bigs a few things on positioning and rebounding.

It could work, but I think it might not. This is just based on Jordan’s executive track record. Don’t let Oakley interact with the media too much. He’s tough and old school and brings something the Bobcats have lacked. Toughness.

LeBron wants league to retire Jordan’s #23

14 Nov

LeBron James wants the league to retire the number 23 ala Major League Baseball did with Jackie Robinson’s number.James also says he will switch his number to 6 to pay homage to Jordan.He thinks that no one should be able to wear 23 again.
  Although I think this is a noble idea, I just don’t agree with it. Jordan was the greatest player of the modern era and arguably the greatest of all time. I just don’t think there should be a leaguewide retirement of his number.He did make the game more globally known,but unlike Robinson,he wasn’t a trailblazer and had the stage set for him to succeed upon his entry into the NBA. I’m not a Jordan hater. Even living here in the Detroit area where he isn’t well liked by a lot of the locals,i’m not a Jordan hater. He was great,but wasn’t exactly my favorite.I do give him an enormous amount of credit for bring the game into international consciousness.I just don’t think his number should have a leaguewide retirement.
  James on the other hand says one of the reasons for choosing the number 6 is because Julius Erving was his second favorite player.Sorry LeBron,I just can’t buy that one unless you watched lots of video.By my calculations, Erving was at the end of the line by the time you started watching basketball.

His Air-rogance? Rapper Chamillionaire dissed by Michael Jordan

13 Nov

I know Michael Jordan probably doesn’t care who Chamillionaire is. Still doesn’t give him a license to act like an ass. According to Cham, who saw Jordan posing with a few female fans, he asked to take a picture with him. Jordan replied “I ain’t taking no pictures with no n—–(Fill in the blanks).Chamillionaire being shocked,told Jordan he just bought a jersey of his at a Reggie Bush auction for $7,000. Jordan’s reply to that was “You know what,you pay $15,000 right now for a jersey from me and I’ll take a picture with you.This further infuriated Chamillionaire, who has since made videos on Youtube saying he wants to punch Jordan.