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Wade Says Beasley Needs To Dedicate Himself To The Game

31 Dec

Michael Beasley came into the NBA with a ton of hype and ability. The only concern any scouts had about Beasley were between the ears. I guess he may have been a little space headed. He still has ability to be a top shelf player in the NBA, that’s not going anywhere. The question is whether or not Beasley can properly dedicate himself to the game.

Former Miami Heat teammate Dwayne Wade says that if Beasley is ever going to live up to his billing that he must have the focus and dedication to get there. A winning environment might also help.

“Michael is an unbelievable talent,” Wade said. “And he can erupt any game, any moment. The ability that he has to use both hands around the basket, finishing. His jumpshot. He has all the tools. With Michael, it’s just going to take him to continue to grow at the game, and get to a winning environment, and start understanding what his team needs from him. I mean, he’s a good player. He’s one of the best young talents that we have in the game. But he has the potential to be a great player. If he wants it. And that’s what we always told him in Miami. So we’ll see.”

To anyone that didn’t know why Beasley was dealt to the Minnesota Timberwolves for a bag of hockey pucks, you know now. One day Beasley’s mind might catch up with his body.


Horace Grant Chips In About The LeBron/Jordan Debate

1 Jun

When Scottie Pippen came out and offered his opinion about the greatest NBA player of all time and said LeBron James is better than Michael Jordan, that ignited a firestorm of criticism. Much like Pippen has hit the current edition of the Chicago Bulls with.

LeBron came out and basically told Pippen thanks but no thanks. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar wrote an open letter to the L.A. times and said don’t forget about the old school. And now former teammate, Horace Grant is letting Pippen know that he’s wrong. 

In an interview on, Grant let his feelings be known about this debate. 

“WOW! Pip is my man and you know we will always be close, but I totally disagree. LeBron is gonna be one of the top players to ever play the game but Michael Jeffrey Jordan, who we bump heads at times is I think in my era the best basketball player to ever play the game.”

And when he was asked if Scottie was holding a grudge against Jordan he had this to say.

“(Laughing) I hope not, I don’t think so, but you know to say that somebody, I mean listen, I’m mean I’m kinda at a loss of words cause Michael Jordan I mean when you win numerous MVPs and you’ve taken the team to six championships and probably could have been eight if he didn’t retire those two years. You know MVP’s and the playoffs and the championships I mean man he made us better, he made believe me, he, myself, Scottie, BJ, even Bill Cartwright who I still love, he made us better players. He gave us that confidence, but first we had to earn his trust and once we earned his trust man you know you saw championship after championship and as far as talent wise, that’s no man. Who do you want to take that last shot when three seconds are left in the game? Who do you want the ball in their hands the last 3 seconds? He proved that he can score the last few seconds of a ball game or if he gets double teamed that Steve Kerr or John Paxson are right there so you know I love Scottie, but I totally disagree.”

“You know this is a great country we live in. You’re entitled to your opinions but your uhh uhh…[Waddle: YOURE WRONG!] Yeah, yeah he’s wrong on this one.”

I gotta agree with Horace on this one. And he said it best when he said Jordan was the best in his era. Which is what i say all the time since it’s so tough to compare different eras. Jordan was a truly great player, but there were many before him, so you really can’t crown him or anyone for that matter as the greatest of all time.

Michael Beasley Shuts Down Twitter Page

26 Mar

Another day, another Twitter controversy. Not really a controversy, but someone backtracking on what they posted and going into denial about it.

Minnesota Timberwolves forward Michael Beasley shut down his Twitter page after re-tweeting that head coach Kurt Rambis needs to let him ‘play his game’. Message to Beasley, playing your game is why your in Minnesota and not Miami right now.

The post read, “I sure wish coach would just let @RealMIkebeasley play his game!”

After the message was out Beasley recanted and said he has no problem with Rambis. He also said the post was accidental.

“Nah, nah, nah, nah,” Beasley said. “Kurt has given me all the opportunity in the world to grow as a player, as a leader. I really don’t have anything against Kurt and my game.”

Beasley says he finished with Twitter, for now.

“I just got tired of it. Somebody said something I didn’t like. I just got rid of it. That was an accidental re-tweet,” he said. I really don’t know how to tweet well from my Blackberry. That was accidental. I didn’t agree with it at all.”

If you’re gonna deny what you say about how you feel about something, it’s best to keep it verbal or don’t say it at all. At least you can deny it when it’s verbal.