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Frank Vogel fined for trying to get the refs on his side

13 May

Indiana Pacers coach Frank Vogel tried to take the Phil Jackson approach and plant a seed in the referees’ heads before the Pacers’ second round series against the Miami Heat. Vogel told reporters that he felt the Heat were the biggest floppers in the NBA and now he’s $15,000 lighter for the comments.

“It’ll be very interesting to see how the referees officiate the series and how much flopping they reward. . . . Every drive to the basket they have guys not making a play on the ball, but sliding in front of drivers. Often times they’re falling down even before contact is even being made. It’ll be interesting to see how the series is officiated.”

He’s hoping that he can get some favorable whistles going his way and not falling victim to any superstar calls that benefit the Heat. I see him working and I can understand why, but in the NBA you can’t comment the officiating without getting fined.

Next time don’t read the Phil Jackson playbook of coaching.

Pacers say they’re not the underdog against the Heat

11 May

With a date with the Miami Heat looming in the NBA playoffs, the Indiana Pacers aren’t about to bow down to anyone. Coach Frank Vogel and some of the players don’t see themselves as the underdog going into the second  round showdown with Miami.  

“I don’t know if it’s about respect,” Pacers forward Danny Granger said. “It’s about basketball. It’s about finding out who’s the better team. We’re a good team. They’re a good team. It’s going to be a battle.”

“I think we’re just embracing the challenge,” Vogel said. “I feel like we are one of the best teams in the league. We are not viewing this in any way, shape or form like a David-vs.-Goliath type of meeting. We are not the underdog here. This is two heavyweights going toe to toe.”

At least we know the Pacers won’t be in awe of Miami’s big three which is good because everyone expects the Pacers to lose.

The Pacers have a good team and Vogel and Granger know it. The rest of Ameica will find out how good when the second round begins. They won’t win the series but they will give the Heat a good fight.

“I don’t think we’re underdogs by any means,” he said. “Miami has more recognition, honestly, with their big three guys, but I think we’re a good team as well.”

“We know it’s a great opportunity,” David West said. “We’re going to try to maximize this opportunity that we have ahead of us. You may not get this opportunity again.”

The Pacers have been under the radar throughout the season and Miami has the stars, but we know this is the playoffs and anything can happen. This could be one of the best series of the second round.

Jason Terry says he could be an asset to the Heat

31 Mar

Going to Miami seems to be the popular thing to do for many nowdays. Ever since the Heat landed the big three, many prospective veteran free agents have put the Heat on their personal radar.

Earlier this week it was reported that Phoenix Suns point guard Steve Nash said he wouldn’t mind joining the Heat next season if the Suns can’t make him a suitable offer. Add Dallas Mavericks guard Jason Terry to the ever growing list of veterans trying to latch on with the Heat.

“Miami is definitely a title contender. For sure,” Terry told FOX Sports Florida before Dallas’ 106-85 loss at AmericanAirlines Arena about his interest. “(Team president) Pat Riley is a great guy and what he’s done with the organization is tremendous.

“No question, they need a veteran shooter, a guy who can score besides LeBron (James) and (Dwyane Wade), and they know they can count on. I’m a guy that’s been in this league 13 years, (averaging) 15 points a night, easy. Off the bench or the starting lineup, it doesn’t matter. So I think I’d be an asset to them.”

Terry’s words ring true. He could definitely be a help off the bench and he’s a winning player. He doesn’t care how much he plays, if he starts or comes off the bench, or how many shots he gets. He’d be perfect for the second unit.

My question is how many more veterans who want a crack at a ring are willing to gravy train their way to a championship. Because that’s what it’s amounting to right now.

Chicago shooting victim is Wade’s nephew

31 Mar

In a violent six hour stretch in Chicago, two people were killed and 11 were left wounded. One of the victims injured is reported to be Dwayne Wade’s nephew.

One of the people wounded in a Gresham convenience store shooting that left one man dead and five others hurt is the nephew of Miami Heat basketball star Dwyane Wade, according to a statement by the Chicago native.

The shooting happened at about 6 p.m. Thursday at the Bishop Golden store on the 1400 block of West 79th Street when two men jumped out of an SUV, walked into the small store and opened fire, according to police. One of the people used a TEC-9 type gun.

“I don’t have all of the details at this time,” Wade said in a written statement released early Friday evening. “My thoughts and prayers are with all involved, including my nephew and sister. Having grown up in the inner-city, I am aware of the difficult realities that exist on the streets. One of the goals of my foundation, the Wade’s World Foundation, is to continue to spread the message that the violence needs to stop.”

This comes one week after Wade and his Miami Heat teammates spoke out on the highly publicized Trayvon Martin case.

Personally my prayers not only go out to his nephew, but to all victims of senseless violent crimes that have been plaguing the inner city youth for decades. Hopefully Wade can use his celebrity to make a difference.

Heat staff still not convinced Curry can help

18 Mar

Eddy Curry was signed to provide the Miami Heat with some bench depth and front line help. So far he hasn’t given them much and it looks like it’ll remain that way.

Barry Jackson from the Miami Herald reported that even though Curry has lost weight and is under 300 pounds the staff isn’t convinced he deserves more time on the court.

Eddy Curry has dropped below 300 pounds for the first time in a while, and coaches rave about his work ethic. Udonis Haslem said his defense in practice has improved immensely. But the staff still isn’t convinced he can offer as much than Dexter Pittman (especially defensively) in limited minutes. And Spoelstra has barely used Pittman the past three games

Man. From being a lottery pick to being on par with Dexter Pittman. They’ll both do more than me with a basketball than I’ll do my entire life, but when you (Curry) were supposed to be a building block and a mainstay in the league and bomb that just says you got by in high school on pure talent. And now you’re barely beating out Dexter Pittman for limited minutes. Remember when Curry and Tyson Chandler were supposed to be the foundation for a young Chicago Bulls team?  

That seems like it was 20 years ago now.

Rasheed Wallace works out for Miami

8 Mar

Rasheed Wallace was once rumored to be joining the Los Angeles Lakers, but that didn’t exactly happen. Now there is a report circulating saying that Wallace has worked out for the Miami Heat.

A source close to the situation confirmed Rasheed Wallace has worked out with Heat, but source said he hasn’t decided if he’ll play again. Source on whether Rasheed Wallace would be interested if Heat wanted to sign him: “It’s something he may consider.’’
Source said Rasheed Wallace staying quiet on if he might play again because “doesn’t want to cause a lot of hoopla” if decides against it.

Ever since the rumor of a comeback has came out, not much has materialized since then. It’s no secret that Wallace would rather play for a contender than anywhere else. With the Heat lacking quality big men behind Chris Bosh and Udonis Haslem, they’re always looking to add another big. Hence the interest in Joel Przybilla.

In the event that Wallace did sign with the Heat he would be the most colorful character in the locker room. I personally think Miami could be a good fit or Oklahoma City, who still need a little more outside of Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant.  

Lay off of LeBron

6 Mar

In the past I’ve been critical of Miami Heat forward LeBron James. Mostly because of the clouded judgement which many sports fans have viewed him with since he signed with the Heat. I didn’t have a dislike of James because he signed with Miami, it’s just the way he did it.

Since then his game has been scrutnized. Since James has become part of the ‘big 3’ in Miami, everyone has talked about how he disappears in the fourth quarter or how he defers to Dwayne Wade or passes to a lesser player for a key shot. You know what I think? I think everyone needs to lay off of James and just let him play his game.

I’ve never seen a player having an MVP type season get picked on so much for what he doesn’t do. Everyone wants James to take over in key moments. He has to a certain extent in his career. But James has always looked to make his teammates better. That’s just how he is. He was like that in his first NBA game and he is now. He is clearly the most talented player on the court so there are many who view James as a disappointment sometimes.

I don’t view him as a disappointment. I view him as a player that wants his teammates to shine just as much as he does. When he came into the league, I saw that in his game. He played a little like Magic Johnson, always looking for his teammates. I also saw that he didn’t have a killer instinct. It just wasn’t in his makeup. But he is so supremely talented that it doesn’t matter.

I get tired of hearing about how he passes to his teammates at key junctures of the game. Like against the Atlanta Hawks Friday night he passed off to Udonis Haslem for the game winner. Haslem missed the shot and James was criticized yet again. Think about it, maybe Haslem had an easier shot than the one he might’ve taken. Haslem was the open man, but if James takes the shot and misses then you’d hear how he fails in the clutch. No one was criticizing Michael Jordan for passing to John Paxson in the Finals. Paxson nailed the shot,  but everyone would’ve said it was Paxson’s fault for not making the shot rather than Jordan passed up a game winner.

Look at James for what he is. A one of a kind basketball player. A player that is so much better than everyone but looks to get everyone involved. A team player. He’ll never be the cold blooded assassin type player. He leaves that role to Wade. Just let James play his game and watch how good he truly is instead of dissecting his every move and picking him apart.

Wade Says Beasley Needs To Dedicate Himself To The Game

31 Dec

Michael Beasley came into the NBA with a ton of hype and ability. The only concern any scouts had about Beasley were between the ears. I guess he may have been a little space headed. He still has ability to be a top shelf player in the NBA, that’s not going anywhere. The question is whether or not Beasley can properly dedicate himself to the game.

Former Miami Heat teammate Dwayne Wade says that if Beasley is ever going to live up to his billing that he must have the focus and dedication to get there. A winning environment might also help.

“Michael is an unbelievable talent,” Wade said. “And he can erupt any game, any moment. The ability that he has to use both hands around the basket, finishing. His jumpshot. He has all the tools. With Michael, it’s just going to take him to continue to grow at the game, and get to a winning environment, and start understanding what his team needs from him. I mean, he’s a good player. He’s one of the best young talents that we have in the game. But he has the potential to be a great player. If he wants it. And that’s what we always told him in Miami. So we’ll see.”

To anyone that didn’t know why Beasley was dealt to the Minnesota Timberwolves for a bag of hockey pucks, you know now. One day Beasley’s mind might catch up with his body.


Could Nene Go To The Heat When The Lockout Ends?

5 Sep

No knows if there is going to be an end to the NBA lockout. It seems as if no one really cares if it does end. Everyday there are players jumping ship to some random foreign league so they can keep their skills sharp or keep the money rolling in.

The lockout still hasn’t put an end to rumors or speculation regarding trades and free agency. News out of Miami is that the Heat could pursue Denver Nuggets  free agent big man Nene.

Many call this possibility a longshot. Maybe not. Nene says that he wants to win a title. Miami is loaded for a title run. He also says it’s not about the money. Now usually when someone says that, it’s about the money when it comes time to sign a contract. Nene says that’s not the case.

Nene told The Denver Post: “If people think it’s about money, they’re wrong. I’ve saved my money. I could retire today.”

There would be a $6 million dollar mid-level exception available and Nene would be leaving plenty of money on the table.

If Nene did sign with Miami, that could be the move to put Miami over the top. Nene could start at center, Chris Bosh permanently at the 4 spot and Udonis Haslem coming off the bench to strengthen that area. This could possibly make Heat haters’ head’s explode.

Heat Might Take A Flier On Grant Hill If, When The Lockout Ends

8 Aug

I do believe there will be an NBA season, just like I used to believe in Santa. It might be a shortened season once again but I don’t think the players or owners are that stupid to let a season go to waste.

If and when the lockout ends, the Miami Heat will be looking to improve on their current roster. Here’s one possibility that would actually make the Heat a more likable team. The addition of Grant Hill. The Heat are looking for a perimeter defender and either Shane Battier or Hill would fit the bill according to a report in the Miami Herald.

If the Heat cannot sign preferred choices Shane Battier, Grant Hill or Tayshaun Prince postlockout, Miami will consider Michael Redd and Tracy McGrady, among others.

If I had to pick out of those four I would take the first three listed above than the last two. For this reason only. Prince, Hill, or Battier don’t need the ball in their hands and don’t require many shots. McGrady and Redd probably still think of themselves as starter material. I believe both of them could help a team, but not one with Chris Bosh, Dwayne Wade, or LeBron James on it already.