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Brother of Vernon and Vontae Davis declared incompetent in murder case

12 May

The younger brother of San Francisco 49ers tight end Vernon Davis and Miami Dolphins cornerback Vontae Davis has been declared incompetent to stand trial in a murder case. 19 year old Michael Davis is charged with first-degree murder in the April death of 66-year-old Gary Dederichs.

Police say Dederichs was walking alone in a residential neighborhood when he was struck on the head with a hammer or similar weapon.

Davis has also been charged in two nonfatal attacks and is suspected in two additional assaults. All occurred over three days less than a mile from his home.

D.C. Superior Court Judge Robert Morin declared Davis incompetent to stand trial Friday based on a psychiatrist’s recommendation. Davis will be treated at a psychiatric hospital in hopes of restoring his competency.

Pennington To Recharge Himself

18 Jun

After his latest injury, a self inflicted injury playing pickup basketball, NFL quarterback Chad Pennington will be taking time off to work for Fox Sports.  Pennington will work with Fox’s Sam Rosen as an NFL analyst, provided the the players and owners can come to an agreement to save the season.

Pennington last played for the Miami Dolphins and was rehabbing a shoulder injury that cost him last season. While he should’ve been taking time off and dedicating it to rehab, Pennington tore his ACL playing pickup basketball. I’m not calling the guy brittle but he’s only played two full season’s since coming into the league, 2006 and 2008. So this is a good decision to take the time off and re-evaluate himself.

“I’m actually going to take this year off, get healthy and do some work for Fox Sports,” said Pennington, the NFL’s only two-time Comeback Player of the Year.

“I’m going to evaluate things and see where I am physically.”

No one knows if Pennington will attempt a comeback, but if he does I think he’ll make a good mentor to a young quarterback.

Dolphins’ Davone Bess Spending Time Digging Ditches

26 May

Out of all the things that some NFL players have done to kill time during the lockout, Miami Dolphins receiver Davone Bess may have picked the most physically grueling assignment although it is for a cause.

Bess has spent the last two weeks in Costa Rica chopping trees with a machete, digging 200 yards of drainage ditches, and laying tile for the people of Canitas as part of a Global Volunteers crusade.

Bess and others have been helping prepare the town of Canitas for the rainy season.

“I had an epiphany one night. With all I’ve been through on and off the field God has put me in a position to be a difference maker and to change lives,” said Bess, who signed a three-year, $9 million contract extension midway through last season.

“If I can help someone make a difference and impact someone’s life I want to do that to the best of my ability.”

Davone Bess in Costa Rica

From what I’ve read, Bess does a lot of charity work so it really comes as no surprise. Just when you hear of someone going to Costa Rica you don’t think of them going to dig ditches or knock down some trees.

“We’ve all been doing an incredible amount of physical labor, and Davone and the guys have been leading the way,” said Cathy Cunningham, a Arizona native who befriended Bess on the missionary trip. “They’ve been chopping down trees, digging the drainage ditches and all kinds of stuff. Davone hasn’t been a celebrity. He’s not on vacation. He’s been one of the hardest workers.”

Bess also brought down soccer and football supplies for the children of Canitas through his sponsorship with Adidas.

Kudos to Bess and hopefully he can have more success on the football field.

Dolphins Add Bryan Cox To The Coaching Staff

22 Feb

Bryan Cox was once known as one of the toughest, angriest guys in the NFL. Now he gets to come back to where his career started. Cox was hired as the pass rush coach for the Miami Dolphins. Cox, a former linebacker, spent his first five years in Miami.

He’s been the defensive line coach for the Cleveland Browns the past two years and held the same post for the New York Jets from 2006 to 2008.

I’m not part of the NFL fraternity so I never knew that a pass rush coach ever existed. I mean, is there a kick block coach, or a punt return coach, or even a handoff coach. Don’t get me wrong because I’m not trying to make fun of Cox. I just never knew the there was such a thing as a pass rush coach.

The Lions Might Have Finally Learned To Win

27 Dec

With the first three game win streak in what seems like a millenium, I must say that no matter what happens next week, the Detroit lions might have finally learned to win. Ok hte last three game streak was in 2007. I’m just saying.

By my own personal account, the Lions did not play their best game today. Yes, it was a back and forth affair, but they had their fair share of stalled drives and extended drives on defense. They fell behind by 10 in the fourth quarter and found a way to make some plays to win their second straight road game over the Miami Dolphins, 34-27. It was the first win over the Dolphins since 1991 and the first win in five tries in Miami.

Down 27-17 with 4:37 left in the fourth running back Jahvid Best took a short pass and turned it into a 53 yard touchdown. Best showed the burst and speed that had been missing since early in the season. He didn’t show any effects of the turf toes that have plagued him for a good portion of the season. Nathan Vasher and DeAndre Levy came up with key interceptions and levy provided the winning margin, returning his for a touchdown. This was done without their best player, Calvin Johnson, sitting out the fourth after aggravating an ankle injury.

They are finally not self destructing. Gone are the pre-snap penalties and self inflicted wounds that were so visible in their losses.They found a way to win and come up with some big plays. They’re winning the turnover battle and making key stops. This is what good teams do to win games. I’m not saying they’re on the road to the playoffs next year, but they’ve made some strides. Bigger strides than what we’re used to seeing in this city. There might finally be some hope for the Lions after all. Let’s just hope they can use these positive moments to lay the groundwork for something bigger.