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Merril Hoge calls Kurt Warner "uneducated and irresponsible"

5 May

A day after former NFL player Amani Toomer said Kurt Warner was trashing the game of football for saying he wouldn’t want his kids playing the sport, ESPN analyst Merril Hoge decided to pile on Warner for the statement. Never mind that Warner backed off the comments.

Hoge has been outspoken on the issue of concussions and head injuries after his career was cut short and he successfully sued the Chicago Bears for the way he was treated for the concussions. Hoge took umbrage to Warner’s comments since the concussion issue has created a firestorm of controversy when it comes to parents letting their kids play football. Hoge called Warner’s comments “uneducated and irresponsible”.

“I think it’s irresponsible and unacceptable,” Hoge said of Warner suggesting that football is a dangerous game for children. “He has thrown the game that has been so good to him under the bus. He sounds extremely uneducated.”

“Head trauma is not the issue here — it’s how head trauma is treated,” Hoge said. “The game is safer than it has ever been because we’re being proactive with head trauma. That is the biggest issue.”

“I can’t believe that he would share that message because now moms and dads that are out there, and Billy wants to play, but they are uneducated and they are unsure, and they love Kurt Warner, they’re like, ‘He doesn’t want his kids to play? Why should I let my kids play?’”

I guess what Warner should’ve said was that the game of football was good to me but the league should be taking better care of their players. We make the league a lot of money and we deserve to be treated better, because at the rate players are getting head injuries there won’t be an NFL.

I wouldn’t call Warner irresponsible and uneducated, he just had a bad choice of words. He probably would tell his kids the risk of long term injury if they decide to partake in the sport of football.