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Quote Of The Week: Matt Millen, Roy Williams

21 Nov
Drinking Partners

Matt Millen and Dallas Cowboys receiver Roy Williams must’ve benn doing some heavy smokin’ together this week.

For starters Matt Millen,the former GM and president of the Lions, sung the praises of former Lions head coach and current Chicago Bears defensive coordinator, Rod Marinelli.

Here’s part of what Millen said: “That guy right there is one of the best coaches I’ve ever been around.”

Keep in mind that Millen played for Tom Flores, Bill Walsh, and Joe Gibbs, all Super Bowl winners. What the hell was he thinking when he said that. Marinelli may be a fine assistant coach or position coach, but “one of the best I’ve been around”. Come on. He owns 0-16. Somewhere Tom Flores just headed for his liquor cabinet.

Roy Williams piggybacked on that by saying that Millen assembled good players at the skill positions in Detroit. Is that why most of the players he drafted are out of the league. If I had what they were smoking I’d be less stressed right now. 

All Talk Millen(ATM)

7 Feb

After Herschel Walker’s semi-impressive MMA debut,former Detroit Lions president and current football analyst,Matt Millen said he thought about giving it a try.As a Lions fan we know how he like to try jobs that he’s not qualified for.This would be hilarious and ridiculous if he actually went through with it.He wouldn’t have a shortage of possible opponents.There would be thousands of Lions fans(insert joke here) that would be willing to get a shot a Millen in any ring.