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Matt Garza Has His 2008 AL Championship Ring Stolen

2 Feb

When someone gets a championship ring of any kind the person that has it normally guards it with his/her life. They’re pretty hard to come by and they don’t get handed out like Halloween candy.

Chicago Cubs pitcher Matt Garza is finding out just how valuable those rings are. Garza was victimized in a robbery in which his 2008 American League Championship ring was stolen.

Sheriff’s detectives are investigating a burglary at the Fresno County home of Chicago Cubs pitcher Matt Garza, a theft that included his 2008 American League championship ring earned while playing with the Tampa Bay Rays.
The ring is valued at $30,000, the Sheriff’s Office said. The burglary happened between the afternoon of Jan. 26 and late Tuesday morning. Garza’s name is engraved inside the ring, which has several white diamonds and one yellow diamond.
Hopefully this story has a good ending. 


Porcello Might Be Trade Bait

30 Dec

According to reports over the past few weeks, the Cubs may be looking to part with starting pitcher Matt Garza who went 10-10 with a 3.32 ERA and 197 strikeouts in 2011.

Jon Heyman of tweets that in return for Garza, the Cubs will more than likely want young starting pitching in return which seems to be the case with any potential trade.

Earlier in the week, it was rumored that the Detroit Tigers could be interested in acquiring the 28-year-old right-hander who does have a history of pitching in the American League Central. The Tigers too also have some young pitching in the farm system including Andy Oliver and Jacob Turner.

But could the Tigers trade an arm already in the rotation?

Jason A. Churchill of ESPN believes that there is a possibility that the Tigers use Rick Porcello as bait to land Garza.

Porcello and Garza are different types of pitchers in their own right however Porcello would fit the bill in terms of what the Cubs are looking for in return.