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Camby says Blazers players believe in a curse

22 Apr

The Portland Trail Blazers have historically been ravaged by injury. Going back to Bill Walton up to LaMarcus Aldridge and his bad hip this season. If it’s not an injury it’s been bad people on the team (Jail Blazers) or talented teams that choked (the Clyde Drexler Blazers).

Big man Marcus Camby was traded to the Houston Rockets and it probably extended his career a few more years. In an interview with ESPN’s Marc Stein Camby touched upon the Blazers injuries and said that the players in Portland do believe there is a curse.

Q: You know those of us in the media throw around words like “curse.” But what about the players on that team? In the Blazers’ locker room, are guys asking: What next?

A: They might not want to admit it, but when I was there, my goodness, people were saying, “Are we really snake-bit? Are we really cursed?” Doubts and talks like that came about. Everybody just tried to brush it to one side and remain positive, but it was hard to escape because everybody was talking about it. It’s hard to argue when it keeps happening year after year after year.

Maybe the team needs some kind of good luck charm or something. Maybe having a group prayer around the arena might work. I’ve seen to many Blazers seasons and players go down in flames because of some debilitating injury.

Marcus Camby Might Retire If He’s Traded

20 Feb

With the trade deadline looming some teams are looking to shed some money off their books for some younger, cheaper talent. Recently it seems some veterans aren’t looking to move from their current surroundings. Chauncey Billups said that he would take a buyout if he’s traded from Denver. Portland’s Marcus Camby has done him one better. According to sources, Camby says he’ll contemplate retirement if he’s traded.

“Marcus has made plenty of money in his career, and at this stage would not be keen to move to a rebuilding situation,’’ the source said. “If he is traded, he would likely contemplate retirement.’’

When it gets late in someone’s career, sometimes a player is comfortable in their surroundings and don’t want to move their family all over again. I think this is the case with Camby. He likes playing in Portland and maybe he likes the city.

“He really wants to stay in Portland, it’s his No. 1 choice,’’his agent Rick Kaplan said. “It was incredibly important to him when he signed his extension and moved his family that he stay in Portland. I think by now he understands it’s a business, but that’s where he wants to be.’’

I’m sure Portland wouldn’t trade him unless they got fair value of course. But he wants to be there. Right now for Camby it’s not about money and it’s not about trying to find the best oppurtunity to win a championship. It’s about him and his family being in a place that’s comfortable for them. Besides, it wouldn’t be in the Blazers’ best interest to trade him since they’re not too strong at the center position. But you never know.