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Young and Delmas are "best friends" now

10 Jun

The Detroit Lions probably can’t wait to get the season started. In an offseason marred by off field arrests and fights, there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

First, defensive tackle Nick Fairley apologized for his recent arrests. Now Louis Delmas and Titus Young have mended their fractured relationship.

Young said last week that everything was ok after he sucker punched Delmas during an offseason training activity. Delmas finally put this story to bed by telling reporters that he and Young are best friends.

“I guess I’ll say right now this is like the honeymoon, getting back on the right track,” Young said last week. “I am very excited about being on the football field, but I hope this excitement leads my whole team to be excited. I don’t want to be the only one excited, I want everybody else in this locker room to be excited, not just about me being back but about this opportunity we have going forth in this season.”    

If anyone found Young’s statement to be shady here is Delmas’ end of it.

“That’s my boy,” Delmas said before the start of the Nate Burleson-Stephen Tulloch Celebrity Softball Game. “Me and him are like best friends now at the end of the day.”

That should put an end to that story. For Lions fans they should hope that they don’t hear about anymore illicit offseason activities.

Delmas Riding Shotgun In Road Rage Incident

4 Jan

Detroit Lions safety Louis Delmas was indirectly involved in a road rage incident. Delmas was a passenger in a Nissan Titan driven by Ravelle Sadler of Cincinnati. Sadler waved a gun at people in another vehicle. The incident happened at 2:15 am on December 21 in Canton,Michigan.

Delmas didn’t have to play the “do you know who I am” card since officers didn’t know who he was. To Delmas’ credit he did cooperate with the authorities when asked if there was a gun in the car. Police didn’t arrest Delmas but did seize the gun. Let’s hope he has a license for that. 

Louis Delmas

4 Sep

I guess Delmas won’t be getting that United Way commercial anytime soon.