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O.J. Denied An Appeal

3 Feb

The Supreme Court justices that previously denied O.J. Simpson an appeal of his conviction hit him with two strong words. Rehearing denied.

O.J. still seems to think he’s not guilty of any wrongdoing. You got caught trying to jack your own stuff, that;s kind of pathetic. Of course he doesn’t have the money to obtain a high powered legal team like the famous murder trial in which he was acquitted. Simpson has to be feeling pretty low knowing that his co-defendant, Clarence Stewart had his conviction overturned. O.J. is convicted of kidnapping and armed robbery and other charges on two sports memorabilia dealers in Las Vegas. Simpson ended up getting 9 to 33 years in prison.

I can’t say I feel sorry for him, knowing he escaped a murder conviction and got hit with a lesser charge. Everyone knows he was guilty the first time and it finally caught up with him. I hope he serves all 33 years, even though he probably won’t.

I’m not playing the race card but this is fact. The only reason us black people were happy when he got off the first time was because a black man had finally beat the system. Other than that we really didn’t give a damn about O.J.

Yesterday’s Stars Did A Lot Worse

16 Oct

I just finished reading an article on talking about today’s athletes and their misgivings and how they didn’t hold a candle to Mickey Mantle (Today’s bad boys couldn’t touch Mantle). After giving it some thought, I say the same thing.

Yesterday’s stars or heroes didn’t have to worry about cell phones,computers,paparazzi, TMZ or anything that today’s professional or even amateur athletes worry about. I’ve read about or heard stories about “The Mick”, Babe Ruth, or any Oakland Raider from the 70s or 80s, how they lived hard, partied hard, and played hard. Thing is, hardly a soul ever knew about their wrongdoings. You think this Brett Favre mess is something. Roger Goodell would have to bring in replacements for some of those wild Raiders characters. Sexting? That was child’s play to them. As much as Ruth and Mantle were revered, they were hard partying womanizers and heavy drinkers. They also were buddies with anyone covering the team, so whatever they did disappeared and didn’t come out until they were long retired or dead. Today it’s harder to get away with anything with all the technology, internet, and cell phones. In reality, they have nothing on the stars of yesteryear.

Not that I condone any of their behavior, but there are lots of “heroes” that got away with a lot worse than anything that Brett, Tiger, or Ben Roethlisberger could ever do. I don’t really care to know what anyone does with their time away from their sport. They are human, they just decide to play by a different set of rules from the average man. I know, a lot of us say that if we did that we’d lose our job. We don’t live in  their world and they don’t live in ours, so please stop using that one. I kind of liked it when I didn’t have to hear about what Reggie Jackson or Walter Payton did in their spare time.  

Happy Anniversary Baby!

7 Oct

I just want to say Happy Anniversary to my lovely wife. Its a couple of days late, but it wasn’t because I forgot LOL. 

I’m back

20 Jan

Once again,Happy New Year! I took a little time off and now I’m back.I’ve just been deciding on which way to take my blog and figured that I wanted to go with an all sports format.As always feel free to comment and express an opinion.

Happy New Year!

1 Jan

Just wanted to wish everyone that follows and reads here a Happy New Year.For everyone’s sake let’s hope this year is more prosperous than last.

Chris Dudley.Governer?

17 Dec

One of the worse foul shooters in NBA history,Chris Dudley,is running for governor in the state of Oregon.I don’t really consider it a surprise since Dudley is a graduate of Yale.Dudley played 16 years in the NBA,which included two stints with the Portland Trail Blazers as well as the New York Knicks and New Jersey Nets.Dudley also at one point in his career had the distinction of being the worse foul shooter in the NBA.Good luck Chris on the run for office.;_ylt=Am21rpIc4AwG.xADsvCf5lK8vLYF?slug=ap-governorsrace-dudley&prov=ap&type=lgns

WTF? What kind of father is this?

28 Nov

A father in Indianapolis was charged with child neglect for leaving his son in a tractor trailer while he went inside a strip club to go drink.There’s no father of the year trophies sitting on my mantel,but I can guarantee I have this guy beat.

Happy Thanksgiving

26 Nov

To all the readers and followers and everyone else,have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.Enjoy the time with family and friends.

Pontiac Silverdome sold.For $583,000?!

18 Nov

The Pontiac Silverdome was sold for the mere price of $583,000.A very small sum compared to how much it was built for($55.7M).There was a previous offer for $20 million that was turned down.The unknown investors from Toronto want to turn it into a stadium that would house a MLS soccer team.Me for one doesn’t think it would work.

  Now me being a local,it doesn’t have too much sentimental value to me.Well it was where I saw my first Detroit Pistons game and the Michigan Panthers of the defunct USFL had a great playoff run there in 1983.It was the home of the Detroit Lions, which during that time blessed us with Billy Sims, Barry Sanders and one playoff win.Oh, i almost forgot some sorry and mediocre but exciting Lions teams.Well I don’t know how this venture will turn out,but for the lousy Michigan economy I hope it turns out well.


WTF?This obituary is cold

18 Nov

This is just wrong.Its bad to go out,but like this? Damn!