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Quote Of The Week: Brian Billick

24 Apr

Former Ravens coach Brian Billick on why it’s so hard to get that first-round quarterback pick right. Money line: “I am living proof that if you miss on a first-round quarterback, as I did with Kyle Boller, you end up broadcasting games and writing about the NFL instead of coaching.”


Boller bags a beauty

5 Jul

Kyle Boller hasn’t really done anything significant in his NFL career until now. That is because he reportedly is engaged to beauty queen Carrie Prejean. I normally don’t follow the celebrity style aspect of atheletes,because I really don’t care who they’re married to or having sex with. I know,that sounded kind of like a disclaimer. But only because Boller, who was a former first round pick of the Baltimore Ravens really hadn’t done anything noteworthy in the NFL,until getting engaged  and married to Prejean,who was stripped of her Miss California title. I hope everything works out from a relationship standpoint,much more than his not so stellar NFL career.