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Kimbo Slice Wins By KO In His First Boxing Match

16 Aug

Kimbo Slice has gone from a YouTube backyard brawling sensation to a MMA washout to boxer. For Slice’s sake (Kevin Ferguson) he better hope this foray into a legitimate sport goes a lot better than his last one.

Well Slice/Ferguson has gotten off to a good start with a win over James Wade by knockout. Wade was not an impressive opponent, he came in at 0-1 with a loss by KO. But remember, Slice’s first MMA fight was against a so-called tomato can and he was taken to the limit in his first bout.  

Just knowing that Slice is in the boxing game might get some of the diehards to watch. I doubt it, but stranger things have happened. As you can see he has a long way to go to be legitimized as a contender.