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Tim Tebow Dancing With The Stars? Maybe

19 Jan

More Tim Tebow. All Tebow all the time. The Tebow train keeps on rolling and everyone wants a piece of him. Will Tebow be ‘Dancing With The Stars’? If Karina Smirnoff has her way, he’ll be on the show and her dance partner.

“All I want for my birthday is for Tim Tebow to dance on Dancing with the Stars,” she said Saturday, not long after Tebow and his Broncos team were ousted from the NFL playoffs by Tom Brady and his Patriots. “Tim is a very talented athlete, that was clear when we saw his performance this past season with Denver.” 

 “He can run, jump, pass, throw touchdowns,” she told PEOPLE. “All [that] is missing is to see if he has the dance skills. That would make him an all around athlete and someone that I would love to dance with on the show.” 

It’s fairly obvious that Smirnoff is impressed with Tebow’s athletic skills. After turning down CBS, I don’t think Tebow will be accepting a dance invite anytime soon.

Brad Penny’s Fiancee To Pose In Playboy

8 Apr

Karina Smirnoff of  “Dancing With the Stars” fame, who is Detroit Tigers pitcher Brad Penny’s fiancee, will be posing for Playboy magazine, according to reports.

Hugh Hefner broke the news via Twitter of course.

“The May issue of Playboy is unforgettable with Dancing With The Stars’ Karina Smirnoff on the cover & nude inside.”

Smirnoff and Penny have been engaged since November and they are planning to wed early next year.

I wonder how Brad feels about it.