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Hemingway calling for a Michigan upset in opener

29 Feb

Many oddsmakers have Michigan as a 13 point underdog in the season opener against Alabama. We all know games are won on the field and not on paper or in Vegas. The Crimson Tide should be the favorites since they are the defending national champion. But it will be a new year so it’s no guarantee the Tide will roll over Michigan.

Former Michigan receiver Junior Hemingway has the utmost confidence in his ex-teammates. In fact he thinks Michigan will pull an upset in the opener.

“They’re going to grind from day one, all the way up to that point,” Hemingway told the Birmingham (Ala.) News about the Michigan-Alabama game. “I already went through it and I know how it is.”

Bold words for someone not playing in the game. 

I’m sure Nick Saban will have Alabama working hard and grinding despite winning a national championship. If  Michigan can field a decent defense they will compete, but it’s hard not to pick Bama in this game.

Home of Junior Hemingway burglarized

4 Feb

Former Michigan receiver Junior Hemingway having one of the worse moments of his life right now.

The family home in Conway, South Carolina was robbed for the second time in four months. Thieves knocked down the front door and stole nearly $5,000 in goods. That included a large screen television and several of Hemingway’s Michigan mementos, which included his jerseys and bowl rings. his Sugar Bowl MVP trophy was left behind.

“The sad thing is, this stuff just can’t be replaced,” Hemingway father Kenneth Hemingway said.

It’s not the dollar value attached to the crime, it’s the sentimental value of it. Hopefully the people who did this will be brought to justice and the items can be recovered.