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Jon Gruden Thinks Terrelle Pryor Can Succeed In The NFL

23 Apr

A few weeks ago NFL draftnik Mel Kiper Jr. came out and said that Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor basically had no chance at being an NFL quarterback. He even went as far as saying that he might want to switch positions for his senior year.

Former NFL head coach Jon Gruden  is singing a different tune about the Buckeyes signal caller. Gruden says that Pryor has “dominated college football” and can make it in the NFL.

“I have met Terrelle Pryor, had a chance to watch him,” Gruden told the media after speaking at the 80th annual Ohio State Football Clinic. “This is a freak of nature. This guy is really something with the ball in his hands.”

I agree and disagree with Gruden. Pryor is an athletic freak and I think he’s been shackled by Jim Tressel’s offensive system. That may be sound harsh, but he should’ve turned Pryor loose a long time ago. I’m sure there are some Buckeye fans that will disagree with me. I think Cam Newton was everything Terrelle Pryor should be. But by no means has he dominated college football. Just check out last year’s Wisconsin game for further proof.

“Terrelle Pryor can run and he can throw and he’s a hell of a competitor,” Gruden said. “You might have to cater your offense, to a degree, towards his strengths, but I think this guy can develop his passing.

I do think Pryor should be given a chance to prove he can be an NFL quarterback. I don’t see any NFL offensive coordinators catering their offense to accomdate Pryor. If they’re not going to do it with Newton, why would they do it with Pryor. He can develop his passing if given chance. He’s not a once in a lifetime talent, but shouldn’t switch positions to make it in the NFL.
If Gruden takes another NFL coaching job, Pryor has someone in his corner.