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Panthers rookie Joe Adams isn’t fazed by NFL speed

18 May

When it comes to the game of football every level you advance the speed of the game is faster. College is faster than high school, NFL is faster than college. If your former Arkansas receiver Joe Adams the speed of the NFL is no big deal.

Adams proclaimed that since he was on the mighty SEC he’s already used to seeing this kind of speed.

“It’s not overwhelming at all. I played in the SEC, where guys are pretty much this fast,” Adams said. “Now, they’re probably not this big.” 

Memo to Adams. The NFL is a different game. The SEC might be the fastest conference in college but in the NFL you get to play against others that are better or just as good. Also just as fast and they didn’t all play in the SEC.

Adams claims to have run a 4.25 40 time but that doesn’t mean jack in the NFL. Everyone is fast when you get to the league.