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JaVale McGee was shocked by the trade to the Nuggets

5 Apr

The way Denver Nuggets big man, JaVale McGee tells it, it almost sounds like he would’ve rather stayed in Washington than being traded to Denver. McGee was totally unaware that he was on the trading block and was caught off guard by the deal. Players are usually informed by friends, agents, family, or entourage about whether they’re being traded or not.

McGee says he was shocked and was caught napping literally when he was hit with news of the trade.

“I was sleeping, taking my pregame nap,” McGee told HOOPSWORLD. “When I woke up, I found out that I had been traded. I had a bunch of text messages from different people and I talked to the team. I was shocked. I just asked, ‘When do I leave?’”

Even though there was some shock and awe from the news of the trade, McGee is happy that he was traded to a playoff contender and hopes that he can be with the Nuggets for awhile.

“This is a great organization,” McGee said. “There are a lot of hard working people here and this organization gives their players everything they need.” 

The Nuggets better hope that McGee has less spaceman moments and taps into his wealth of physical talent. If he can do that the Nuggets will be an exciting team to watch. If not, McGee can at least collect some big checks since he does have talent, athleticism, and stands 6-11.