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Report: Jamal Lewis files for bankruptcy

27 May

Former NFL running back and member of the 2,000 yard club, Jamal Lewis, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy according to a report on

Lewis who last played for the Cleveland Browns in 2009, is trying to reorganize his debt, saying he’s having trouble paying them. Lewis has $14,455,854 in assets but he also has $10,566,764.18 in debts. Lewis is currently self employed and makes about $35,000 a month. And he having trouble paying his bills?

Among his creditors — Bank Of America has a lien for $947,876, Benz has one for 113k, Chrysler for 15k … and the list goes on.

As for his assets — Jamal’s got five homes, a bunch of expensive cars, a $500,000 401(k), and 50% ownership in Fort Rapids Indoor Waterpark in Columbus, OH (worth about $6 mil).

Sounds like someone needs to hold a garage sale or quit spending so much money. Considering what he’s made in his career and still banking around $420,000 a year, I don’t think the bankruptcy judge or creditors will take it easy on him.